Dreams and people. People and dreams.
Satisfied with much. Satisfied with
Dissatisfied with little.
Dissatisfied with less.
Happy with little. Happy with even
Some people have small dreams and go
for them.
Some people have bigger dreams and
still go for them.
And then they are some who have the
biggest dreams of all and go for them never the less!
What is the difference?
Between the
dreams? And between the people?
Between the
goals and between the dreamers?
How come
that to some small visions can be significant
still to
some those very visions are insignificant?
By the same
token, perceived by the human beings and I am again at those very visions?!?
Do we need
to lose ourselves in order to find ourselves back again??
Where do
you stand at yourself?
we all have visions, dreams, goals that we wish to see accomplished and
fulfilled and being close to completion even better yesterday. However, we all
do not necessarily share the same journey, the way, the approach how to go
about succeeding at them, going after them, making them reality and a dream
come true.
How come
that to some people less is enough and the rest never seem to be satisfied? What
makes your heart sing? What makes you happy? What makes you fulfilled?
I am not
saying that people are lazy so in order to take action, they would rather
procrastinate and do nothing at all, the fear of not being good enough, the
fear of failing is big a bite to eat, such a great pill to swallow.
On the other
side, people who stay rather the same, never learn, never grow, never seem to
go and step outside of their comfort zone, may not necessarily be described as
lazy folks but rather as the ones whose visions are not compelling enough to
make them wake up each and every day and go after what the heart and their soul
literally craves for, cries for and cannot live without!
On the flip
side, being content with that which one has is a great sign of gratefulness,
never ending happiness and satisfaction, and of a success and an achievement on
a many levels for a human being.
It should be
pretty straight-forward, you may declare, however, for the vast majority of
people, this is not nearly the case in some instances.
It is not an
easy task to find someone who cares about you as much or more as you care about
them. Is it a rare thing?
It is not an
easy task to find a purpose that will build you up and fulfil you on every
single level of your very being? Is it a rare thing?
And it
definitely is not an easy task to finally accept, love, understand, to embrace,
to see, to view, to be satisfied with yourself and with your every need. That is
a lesson surely to be acknowledged and practised and learnt for and during a
(506 words)
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