100 Ways to Make 2013 Your Best Year!
Be true to yourself : )
We need to escape the comfort zones that hold us back. Remember we will never be this young again.
Have the courage to trust who and what you are attracted to even when it doesn’t make sense.
It’s a wonderful time to push restart on your relationship plan; add one new, refresh a stale, and heal a wounded one!
Start with the breath each morning…Breathe in and slowly count to 4… Breathe out and slowly count to 4 then pause. Do this for 20 minutes.
Be self-healing, self-sustaining, & self-sufficient by connecting to the greatest doctors on the planet: dr. Sun, dr. Water, dr. Earth, dr. Food, dr. Silence, dr. Exercise, and dr. Nature.
My dad used to say, “The man who knows how will always have a job working for the man how knows why.” What is your why?
Fulfillment comes from the opportunity to serve those who serve others. If enough of us commit this year to do just that, it means there will always be someone out there to watch out for us too.
Think of your 5 Most Valuable People at work & life then help each pursue 1 passion. You’ll Double Your Value to them guaranteed.
In 2013, don’t ask the world for permission to be beautiful, smart and amazing…Give Them Notice!!!
Try leveraging the increasingly powerful array of Apps and integrated quantified self devices to optimize mindfulness, personalized wellness, prevention and manage acute/chronic conditions.
CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD to an acronym representing something you want to be reminded of. Something empowering and true, which makes you feel good or helps you grow. Each time you’re prompted to enter your password, you’ll be reminded of that truth.
Like MacGyver, almost everything you need to solve your problems IS ALREADY INSIDE YOU! All you need to do is figure out how to find it in there.
Recognize that the greatest gift you will receive is the breath of life. Each moment of each day with that breath, speak truth, with your heart be grateful.
Know your omega 3s. EPA to boost mood and attention. DHA to calm the noise in your head.
This is the year to go for it! Be it travel, getting your gift out into the world, or giving big!
Align who you are with what you do on a daily basis to fulfill your purpose.
Take walks while on business calls (using your mobile and headset). You’ll be getting fresh air and exercise as you work, with no extra time invested.
Everyone shines, given the right lighting. For some, it’s a Broadway spotlight, for others, a lamplit desk. Find your lighting this year, and bask in it.
“Do the Hard Thing.” It’s to remind me that the greatest challenges are always doorways into the greatest victories. That total commitment is all the universe asks of us and that, truly, gleefully, thankfully, there are no other options.
Begin your day– and every new endeavor- by consciously aligning with the power of the Divine Mind or Divine Order within you– the Superconscious part of yourself. Say something like, “As I begin my day ( or activity) I invoke the power of Divine Order to guide me every step of the way.”
The New Year is not about changing the dates but the direction; it’s not about changing the calendar but the commitment; it’s not about changing the actions but the attitude; it’s not about changing the fruit, but the faith and focus!
Over the holidays I watched once again as people – myself included – found ourselves falling into our multi-tasking, social-media freneticism. There are times more often than not where we should be more present, and there should be more time when we should be focused on what it is we / you can create than comment on.
As we continue to take quantum leaps in our use of technology, it’s more important than ever to get out from behind the computer and be more active.
To keep 2013 momentum: Keep up the action, remember we never regret going to the gym or doing something positive in the direction of our goal.
Your brain is a 3 lb miracle that interprets, produces, and delivers your world to you. Use it wisely to bring you the world you desire.
I look through my Bucket List of lifetime goals and try to pick 2-3 to accomplish in the coming year. I also list 10-12 other 1 year goals I want to accomplish and that makes up my personal goals list for the next year. I regularly review this list every month or so, and make adjustments during the year, and also review what I got done at the end of the year.
Focus on giving. The more you give to others, the more will come back to you.
In this brave new world, the nutrients stored in your body are becoming more valuable than the dollars stored in your bank account. The doctor of the future is the individual, viv la self-healthcare revolution.
Connect – Be a better connector. Proactively connect people that should know each other. Try to make at least one meaningful connection every week.
Purposely pause each day in gratitude and consciously give thanks for life’s privilege.
Quit doing anything that is sucking the life out of you or out of integrity with your heart and soul. As you say, “No More,” to what’s no longer true for you, you can ask, “Now What?” and create what matters to you.
Empty your cup. Freedom is in the questions, not the answers.
Ask these two big wonder-questions every day: What is my true genius? How can I express it so that I make my maximum creative contribution to the world?
Communication is the new currency. Spend this aery becoming a better writer and speaker.
Learn to FLOW seamlessly between your right and left brain. You’ll soon discover that worldly limits are mere fiction.
Think this: “Life is far too short to settle for less than I truly want, in my business or my life.” Do this: Decide to make an impact on every life you touch and then make it happen wherever you go.
Contemplate on your death. Nothing makes you more aware of what’s truly important than thinking about your limited time here on earth.
Everyone has a special message. Start writing your book tomorrow. Only a few pages a day! And it will be done soon, but you have to start!
Imagine a world if we all looked at others and saw the innocent child in them that we all once were.
In anything you ever want to accomplish, remember that life is a game without overtime. Leave it all out on the field everyday and you’ll always come out the winner.
2013 is a time for new beginnings and getting exciting again about life. Just like any new 13 year old, it’s a coming of age of Awareness. Be grateful.
Let’s try to use often and well the most powerful force we have…connection & love. It’s free and infinite in supply, ready to be used all the time.
Sometimes the fastest way to make forward progress is to finally clean up the old stuff that’s been holding you back. Clear limiting beliefs, let go of past failures and finally create the life you’ve always dreamed of.
Schedule more “Seinfeld time.” Build discrete windows to just do nothing. These seemingly unproductive periods create the space for our biggest insights to emerge.
Buy a treadmill desk and walk while working.
Don’t try to win over every person, instead build deeper relationships
with those most important to you. The ideal pursuit for each of us is not for-profit or nonprofit, it’s for-purpose.
with those most important to you. The ideal pursuit for each of us is not for-profit or nonprofit, it’s for-purpose.
Increase the certainty of achieving your goals and commitments by removing the words “try” and “hope” from your communications.
When struggling to make a decision, just ask yourself this question: “What would my highest self do in this moment?” This question will always lead you to the right answer!
In 2013 make a commitment to DO MORE of what you love, LESS of what you tolerate and NONE of what you hate doing.
Love more, fear less. Float more, steer less. And eat protein for breakfast- will keep your mind sharp and your waist thin. And if you don’t eat breakfast start now.
The world’s most precious resource is the persistent and passionate human mind. Remember, the best way to predict the future is to create it yourself!
To succeed in anything in life… one requires dedication which can only come from self discipline and time management. Apache say, G’u Z’u Dal’sh, which means let all good thing happen. For even though we have good intentions we still need the good will of the higher power to get there.
Eat like a wild gorilla for great health! Lots of veggies, some fruit, nuts and seeds- and add 30% protein. With a little creativity you can design hundreds of delicious, nutritious recipes with this combination. This will improve your health and focus, which will help you achieve your life and business goals in 2013.
One of my favorite quotes from our book…”Invest your money in beautiful memories.” ~ Duncan Penn
Remember…Fate is what happens to us. Destiny is what we do with it.
Ink it when you think it.
Identify your hard assets (your skills, strengths, and expertise), and your soft assets (your passions, creative abilities, and values) – and find the sweet spot where the two meet. That’s where you find your PRACTICAL GENIUS.
The one thing I’d like everyone to start doing is to realize they personally, are a big part of the solution to our economic problem. My mission is that every kid, and the kid in everyone, can be an entrepreneur creating profitable products, ideas, benefits, services, and a branded personality that will benefit everyone, and change the world.
Leadership is recognizing that we are all ONE. That every person you lead is as brilliant as you, as talented as you and has the same capacity for growth and accomplishment. They simply need to be reminded of this act.
To make 2013 and AMAZING YEAR is simple…Focus on serving others through living your passion in a fulfilling way and make sure to get compensated for it!
When assessing new business ideas or projects, it’s always good to “follow the anecdotal evidence”…that is, watch and study what’s working in the marketplace and pick up as many clues along the way as to how your business can fit into an existing (successful) model while putting your own spin on it. The biggest potential successes are often right under your nose.
“Desire is the one power source potent enough to bring about change.” Use your desire to motivate and move you into situations you would normally run from. TurnON happens at the edge of your comfort zone.
Don’t let the fad diet madness stress you out, just eat real food (JERF)!
This New Year, may your life like an APPLE – Abundance, Peace, Prosperity, Laughter, Everywhere.
Don’t look for the Miracle – be the Miracle. Don’t look for the Blessing – be the Blessing. Don’t look for the Love – be the Love.
Invest in your most valuable relationships.
Spend 10 minutes each day exploring your creativity, something you love to do. Examples: moving to music, wondering about a new project on paper, playing with a new recipe, journalling/writing. Just 10 minutes a day boost your creative output.
Make Playtime a priority every day. It’s one of the Fun-damentals of a successful life.
Higher creative potentials don’t get realized without a lot of investment of time, effort and support – find the best mentorship, school or program in the world to develop your gifts and talents to make your greatest contributions.
Do what you love for all of 2013 and your income, happiness, love life, and contribution to the world will skyrocket.
Focus on just 3 success steps a day to sculpt the life you dream about.
Know where your food comes from by supporting local farmers & eating organic, avoid GMO and be grateful for what you have. Don’t forget to Sm:)e often.
Be truthful in everything you say—almost to a point where you are disarmingly truthful – and you’ll win over others… in business & life.
Travel to unknown places or if you can’t travel, then connect with people who are different from you. Having broader perception leads to innovation. Learn from those who are outside of your industry and be creative!
Begin to practice Wabi Sabi Love!
Talk more frequently about your biggest dreams. The more you share your dreams, the more alive they become to you and others. This inspiration generates tremendous energy to make them happen. You’ll also be amazed at how many people want to help you reach your dreams and will be grateful you shared your vision with them!
Lead by example, and be the change you wish to see in the world.
You are what you say, so don’t say what you do, until you do what you are. For only when your actions move with your words will your words move others to action. BE VOICEFUL!
In order to achieve the greatest success in life – physically, financially or spiritually – requires awareness of self. The use of sensors will empower us with information to not only achieve this awareness, but to help us adjust our lifestyles for maximum efficiency for body, mind and soul.
Turn your ‘crazy’ into ‘incredible’ this year, one 360 life turn at a time. Take daily action to honor your body and spirit. Give yourself compassion hugs. Learn to feel and release your emotions. Your greatest health and life await you.
2013: I will live happily below my means, bring amazing value to my tribe, do great self-care, and fall deeper in love.
Count your joys instead of your woes, count your friends instead of your foes.
Be conscious and aware of where you put your attention. Do this everyday and you will slowly rewire your brain and eliminate bad habits.
Close your eyes, take 7 deep breaths, and then visualize your most important goal as already a reality.
Your brain uses 15 times more calories when you tell it to concentrate. Resolve to learn to concentrate harder by upgrading your metabolism, which helps you deliver energy to your brain more efficiently. Start by eating enough healthy saturated fat. You will really feel the difference!
Nobody cares what you think – fortunately! So stop worrying about their perceptions, and speak your own mind clearly.
In life people often say “Don’t worry there is light at then end of the tunnel.” I say, to heck with that, bring your own flashlight! Control your thoughts and attitude and you control your life.
Let go of the wheel and enjoy the flow of the ocean, but always remember you are always the captain of your own ship.
Be the most positive person you know. The words you use when you communicate with others, reflects your thoughts on the inside. Like Oprah says, “Be responsible for the energy you bring into a room.”
Express your love openly. Life is nothing but a dream, and if you create your life with love, your dream becomes a masterpiece of art.
Around this past holidays is when I had my epiphany. The gospel of Elvis ‘I believe’ came to me through a dear friend of mine as we celebrated the blessings of this season. It is then when I knew this song and its message are going to stay with me not only in the 2013 but for many many years to come. For it is my bible now. “Everytime I hear a new born baby cry, or touch a leaf or see the sky, then I know why, I believe.”
Listen to your HEART where Light is shinning your Path.
Make those resolutions last. Taking control of your health, starts in the kitchen. Remember those little steps matter. Learning to shop, and cook are the best place to start. Pack in those nutrients when you can. Sneak in those green. From smoothies, sauces, to eating your salad before the meal. Every bite counts.
Make dissatisfaction work for you.
In following your dreams, don’t let yourself get discouraged by others lack of encouragement. Reconnect to your why.
When you are in the state of play and trust, all the content you were trying to remember and more just come out. Practice playing, don’t practice practising.
Women need to appreciate the role hormones play in their brain chemistry, mood, and focus. Partner with your cycle and hormones to create your most successful life.
Get Curious Again. Live with a renewed sense of wonder. See through fresh eyes and a child’s heart. Become wildly interested fascinated, absurdly dazzled and delighted. Defy the odds. Doubt your doubts. Fall back in love with learning, enraptured by exploration. Become smitten by your smarts, tantalize your thoughts. Seduce your senses, intoxicate your imagination. Arouse your awareness, believe your brilliance. Play. Inspire brilliance in others. These are your superpowers, your birthright. This is the SuperheroYou.
I want to know your ADVICE too… “What is ONE thing your fellow heroes can do to have a GREAT YEAR?”
Please comment below! Thank you!!
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