Gap between the known and the unknown...
Would you
start a love affair if you knew that it must be over in a month time from now?
Would you
start a speech if you knew that no one would be listening and by the end you
are finished, the entire room would become completely empty?
Would you
ever being some work, any work for that matter, if you knew beforehand that you
would never be paid and repaid for doing it?
Would you
ever do anything for a person, for whoever, who would never be ever able to
thank you enough for doing such a great job/work for him/her?
What has
been known to you?
What has
still been hidden from you?
What has
still been kept secret for you?
What does
unknown mean to you?
What does
unknown represent to you?
Can you be
spontaneous, at times, at least?
Can you
speak up your mind freely, wildly, purely?
Would you be
too scared to jump off the cliff?
Would you be
too afraid to leap over the wild rafting river?
Would you go
Would you go
bungee jumping?
Would you go
Would you
and are you able to enjoy yourself under every circumstance and any
How deep
does the gap go for you between known and the unknown?
How low does
the gap go for you between known and the unknown?
What kind of
things/what sort of things would you classify/would you put into a category of
the unknown to you?
What kind of
things/what sort of things would you classify/would you put into a category of
the known to you?
Would you be
worried and scared of putting yourself out there into the unknown world to you?
Would you
feel comfortable and at ease by putting yourself out there into the world known
to you?
What is the
comfort zone for you?
would you step in?
would you step out?
What would
you be willing to do and say if you knew you could not possibly fail at all?
Would you
start your own business?
Would you
ask someone out on a date?
What if the
other person is going to say no?
What if the
other person is going to cheat on you?
What if you
did not trust the person enough?
What if you
did not trust yourself enough?
What if you
did not believe in others?
What if you
did not believe in yourself?
What if you
could not possibly make up your mind?
What if you
were unsure?
What if you
were unaware?
What if you
felt scared?
What if you
felt lonely?
What if you
become upset?
What if you
were angry?
What if you
were all alone?
What if the
things you planned so hard did not work out at all?
What if the
things you have done so much work on would all fall through?
What if
everything you ever worked on so hard would come to waste, would come to ruin,
would come to the end and would finish suddenly?
What if you
suddenly stop talking?
What if you
suddenly stop listening?
What if you
suddenly stop feeling?
What if you
suddenly stop thinking?
What if you
suddenly stop believing?
What if you
suddenly stop trusting?
What if you
suddenly stop arguing?
What if you
suddenly stop over analysing?
What if you
suddenly stop dreaming?
What if you
suddenly stop walking?
What if you
suddenly stop hearing?
What if you
suddenly stop touching?
What if you
suddenly stop loving?
What if you
suddenly stop adoring?
What if you
suddenly stop swearing?
What if you
suddenly stop smoking?
What if you
suddenly stop drinking?
What if you
suddenly stop dating?
What if you
suddenly stop eating?
What if you
suddenly stop sleeping?
What if you suddenly
stop chatting?
What if you
suddenly stop speaking?
What if you
suddenly stop moving?
What if you
suddenly stop driving?
What if you
suddenly stop cycling?
What if you
suddenly stop driving the people around mad and crazy?
What if you
suddenly stop swimming?
What if you
suddenly stop running?
What if you
suddenly stop jogging?
What if you
suddenly stop practising yoga?
What if you
suddenly stop dieting?
What if you
suddenly stop over reacting?
What if you
suddenly stop meditating?
What if you
suddenly stop pining?
What if you
suddenly stop listening to others?
What if you
suddenly stop reading books?
What if you
suddenly stop pestering others?
What if you
suddenly stop guessing?
What if you
suddenly stop using planes?
What if you
suddenly stop using trams?
What if you
suddenly stop using trains?
What if you
suddenly stop writing?
What if you
suddenly stop typing?
What if you
suddenly stop listening to music?
What if you
suddenly stop making music?
What if you
suddenly stop painting?
What if you
suddenly stop doing your very art?
What if you
suddenly stop working?
What if you
suddenly stop looking?
What if you
suddenly stop searching for the answer?
What if you
suddenly stop being passionate?
What if you
suddenly stop smiling?
What if you
suddenly stop laughing?
What if you
suddenly stop enjoying yourself?
What if you
suddenly stop yearning?
What if you
suddenly stop earning?
What if you
suddenly stop hoping?
What if you
suddenly stop having faith?
What if you
suddenly stop wishing?
What if you
suddenly stop craving?
What if you
suddenly stop being hungry?
What if you
suddenly stop doubting yourself?
What if you
suddenly stop doubting others?
What if you
suddenly stop questioning others?
What if you
suddenly stop questioning yourself?
What if you
suddenly stop questioning the world around you?
Are you ready
to enter the unknown?
Are you
ready to leave the known?
What would
be the norm for you?
What would
belong to your high standards?
Are you
ready to face the new world, the world of yours, the world of the known and the
world of the unknown?
Would you be
afraid of getting caught in an action?
Would you be
afraid of getting caught in an act of yours?
(1023 words)
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