
Wednesday 28 February 2018

Things that need some fixing.

Things that need some fixing.

What needs some fixing in your life?

Do you need to fix your house?

Do you need to fix your car?

Do you need to fix your health?

Do you need to fix your relationships?

Do you need to fix your job/improve your position?

Do you need to fix something/anything that keeps bothering your for ages and ages now?

Do you need to fix something about yourself?

Do you need to fix your sleeping patterns?

Do you need to fix your exercise routine?

Do you need to fix your eating habits?

Do you need to fix/improve your cooking skills and abilities?

What else can be fixed?

What else can be improved?

It takes our time.

It takes our energy.

It takes our patience.

It takes us away from things we love doing and enjoy doing.

It takes a toll on our health.

Do we need to fix ourselves in order to find our passions?

Let us go and fix them!!

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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