
Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Our Feelings Are Here For A Reason. Period.

Our Feelings Are Here For A  Reason. Period.

Let us not be afraid of feeling our feelings / emotions.

Let us learn from them.

Let us see where they are coming from.

Let us discover why we feel we feel.

Let us understand that our feelings are here to teach us something valuable.

Let us know what that is!

Let us not feel shamed about ‘feeling’ and actually ‘experiencing’ our emotions.

Let us be grateful for having them – they are here to help us, move us forward, develop us!

Ø We are human beings, and not human doings. And we are also human feelings.

Ø We are ruled by emotions. Our emotions.

Ø Your thinking has brought you to where you currently are now!

Ø We need people in our lives!

Ø Worrying does not help anyone!!

Never give up!!

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