
Friday, 26 October 2012

Practice MAKES Perfect

Practice MAKES Perfect

Practice, practice, practice.

It is all about the hours of work that you put in, which means ANYONE can do it.

The 10.000 hour rule states: it takes 10.000 hours deliberate practice to become an expert.

Repetition is the mother of all learning.

If you want to be a writer – write, write, write and write again even more!
If you want to be a singer - sing!
If you want to be a dancer – dance!
If you want to be an actor – act!
If you want to be a driver – drive!
If you want to be a reader – read!
If you want to be a speaker – speak!
If you want to be a teacher – teach!
If you want to be a pianist – play the piano!
If you want to be a painter – paint!
If you want to be a salesman/saleswoman – sale & sale!
If you want to be a speaker - talk, talk, talk!
If you want to be a diver – dive!
If you want to be a baker – bake!

When I work the most and the hardest, the happier and the more satisfied I become and I feel!

We are either growing or we are dying. There is nothing else in between. We stagnate. Growing and developing stop.

In order to become a human being of who we are meant to be and grow into our potential, we need to learn daily and experienced not yet experienced!

Ø  Never stop learning, never stop educating yourself.
Ø  Never stop growing and challenging yourself!
Ø  Every day do the thing that scares you right out of your pants!


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