
Saturday 2 February 2013

When something ends, something else opens up…

When something ends, something else opens up…

Ø  Have you been sorry for something recently?

Ø Did you ever regret something in your life?

Ø Did you wish for something else to be and feel different?

Ø Did you ever wanted a change of something or to anything?

When you face what you fear you become fearless!!

In order to achieve the goals you have never achieved before, you have to do things you have never done before!!

There are beginnings in our life, there are ends in our life.
What we make out of them, it what our life is going to be about.

Sometimes we look at the closed gate / door for far so too long that we miss out on the new chapters in our life coming up next.

We need to realize that everything that ever happens to us is only for our very good. There never was a reason for it to happen to us to hurt and / or harm us in any way!

There is a reason to and for everything!

Every challenge is a learning opportunity presenting itself to us to be experienced by us!!

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!

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