
Sunday, 18 November 2012

THE 80/20 RULE

THE 80/20 RULE

Are you happy?!?

Definition of '80-20 Rule'

A rule of thumb that states that 80% of outcomes can be attributed to 20% of the causes for a given event.

In many work environments, over 80% of job success may be about the ability to develop and sustain relationships, and the other 20% is skill.

The 80:20 rule can be applied to anything.

Pareto Principle

Pareto long ago advocated that 80% of the world’s wealth was controlled by 20% of the world’s population.

Pareto’s theory has been expanded and proved throughout all aspects of sport, business and life.

v  20% of input (time, resources, efforts, actions) accounts for 80% of output/outcome (results, rewards, benefits).

v  80% of consequences/effects flow from 20% of causes.

v  20% of everything you do is responsible for 80% of your successes.

v  80% of your physical results will come from your nutrition.

v  20% of your physical results will come from exercise.

v  You wear 20% of your clothes 80% of the time.

v  A business earns 80% of its sales from 20% of its customers.

v  You spend 80% of your time with 20% of your friends.

v  You use 20% of your possessions 80% of the time.

Progress means moving resources from low-value to high-value uses.


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