
Tuesday, 28 August 2012


LAUGHING!!!!! – MY favourite topic to write about J

ü  Exercise,
ü  Breathing,
ü  Laughing,
ü  Smiling,
ü  Physiology,
ü  Yoga,
ü  Meditation,
ü  Loving,
ü  Being Happy,
ü  Being Cheerful,
ü  Being Joyful,
ü  Being Grateful and more!

Ø  We sing not because we are happy, we are happy because we sing!!

Ø  We cannot smile and feel ‘not so good’ at the same time!!

Ø  Smile is the most beautiful thing on every person!

Ø  It takes just as much energy to be happy and smiling as it takes to be upset and angry. Being upset may feel better at times, but being nice will get you farther.

Ø  Decide to be happy each day! It is all in your attitude. You have got to have the right perspective.

Ø  Laugh, laugh, laugh daily!! And keep smiling every day. It may take some getting used to it but the rewards are worth it! Your life will never be the same again.

So… Laugh Our Heads Off! Seriously!! Let us laugh our heads off. Now, let’s put them back on again.

Thank you and you know what to do! J

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