Monday, 26 December 2016

sunshine and rain. Rain and sunshine.

sunshine and rain. Rain and sunshine.

The life goes through stages.
The life goes through phases.
The life goes through ups and downs.
The life goes through right turns and wrong turns.

What would it feel like if we went through our life on a smooth side? Without any real obstacles? Would we truly and really appreciate all the precious people and things coming in and coming out of our life? Can we really know what the true treasure really is? How much does it actually cost?

Considering one person who has been given everything and even more? She/he has been fed on a silver platter, no worry about finding work and friends and even a sweetheart from school? No divorce, no heartbreak, no trouble getting pregnant, and more!

And then considering someone who has been through a lot. A heartbreak, a lack of job opportunities, being and feeling alone.

The one, obviously, who has felt the pain, who has touched the very rock bottom, must know what it feels like to be treated poorly, to be lonely, to be penniless, etc. Would he or she then be more open to be gentle, caring to others, truth to him/her and other people, more loving with the rest of us. He knows the pain, the knows about the heartbreak, he knows about the nights without the dreams, he knows about going to bed with being hungry, etc.

Are you the one who is stubborn, who will not ever make the first step, who does not really know how to apologize, who does not know how to open up and talk and speak, how to love and let be loved in return, to give others and receive nevertheless! Can you admit to being wrong, to making a mistake, to give without ever asking, to give time when needed, to give an advise when asked for, to wait when it needed to be! Can you show and prove your interest to and for someone even though your knees are shivering, and your voice is shaking?

To fight with the rain and to enjoy the sunshine when it lasts. To ability to dance in a rain when it is raining, to swim in the waters when the sunshine is shining and giving us a warmth, and a vitamin D. And more, of course!
May we all know how to differentiate between the rain and the sunshine. May we all see the advantages of and for both! May we!!

Thank you for the time and your reading! 

Fresh air.. of a new beginning!!

Fresh air.. of a new beginning!!

Coming close to the very end of the year may as well be a great time to think over the past few months or years, what has worked and what has not worked so well, and looking for possible solutions and thus discovering new conclusions, etc.
Having said that, it does not necessarily have to be the end of the year, it could also be any time of the year, any minor or major situation currently occurring in your life.
Some of the things might always remain the same and we have no real interest in making it any different than it is.
My heart will be quite surely always yours.
What is life for if we are not having fun? If we are not pursuing what we are here to achieve, if we are not talking to each other, if you even don't give me a chance to let you know and tell you what I feel? I cannot never forget you, and why would I? What sort of a person I would be then?
In a blink of an eye, everything can be taken away from us! And we are here, alone, without anyone truly understanding us, giving us a helping hand and a listening ear!
Having a child born, having found a place to live, having a person you feel you can trust, open up and be yourself with, having achieved your dream and going after all your ambitions, starting a new project, meeting a special person, getting to know that special friend, having done a significant portion of your deal, and more may all fit into a bag of new beginnings, or new reasons to wake up to every single and each day and living your life to the fullest!!
To turn the page, to change the subject, to turn the leaf, to start on a blank page, whatever works for you is the best.
Can you recall the moments, all the memories, the experiences, the life lessons you have been and gone through? Especially those that have taught you the most about yourself and the people around you, surrounding you. The people who have touched you in the most passionate and sensible way, if there ever is such a combination!
Can you make it yourself? Can we actually create a project, an idea, anything, for that matter, that can help us to be the best version of ourselves along the way? What could that be? Or who can help us to go after this and achieve this? Just to ask the right questions, to ask the right people, at the right moments, in the right places.
Never be ashamed by what we feel, who we are, what we are trying to pursue, what we are becoming, who we are attracted to, what we believe in, what we love, what we say, what we listen to, what we enjoy eating and what we enjoy doing, and more!

Thank you for your time and reading!!

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

fear as a tool!!

fear as a tool!!

There are plenty of ways and tools for one individual to use in order to float without too much effort through life. For some this may be a helpful tool to use, and for other not so much! Some of us can be directed via the 'carrot or a stick' rule, whereas the rest of people may find other ways to incorporate in their precious life.

Fear of being alone, fear of letting go, fear of not be loved, fear of a dependance on another people, fear of not being understood, being of being terminally ill, fear of not being able to produce and have and brought children up into this world, fear of not being enough, fear of not belong to anybody or/and any group, organization, cause. The list is, of course, endless.

Would you use a carrot or a stick for yourself, and why is that? How would you go about creating the life of your dreams? When there is no energy left at the bottom of your being, you go through days without really thinking of creating and making plans for your near future!

How can we use all those setbacks in life, all the drawbacks, all the heartbreaks, all the sad and broken and miserable days and nights to our very advantage and turn everything around? Is there a way that could work for everyone? Do you have any idea, any piece of advise, anything that has worked before for all, or at least, for one person, if only?

When your body is tired, when your soul is earning for the meaning and passion in your life and when your mind is hungry for knowledge and experience. Your heart cries out for a hug, a kiss, an embrace, an snuggle, and a lovely love-making with the one and only?

When you are sick and all your parts of your body is aching. Every cell in your body is missing some vital and important ingredients. What you want to have all your questions answered, or at least, most or some of them! When the road meets at the crossroad, yet no right or direct way is seen to be the most sensible one! When you are thirsty for creating all that your mind can conceive, yet you lack the vitality, the energy, the lust, the passion, the reason, the purpose, all the package!

Please, please, show me the way! Show me who to love! Show me where to go! Show me what to say! Please, please, show me what to say and to whom!

Thank you very much for reading and your time!!

Saturday, 17 December 2016

To lose one's mind...

To lose one's mind...

When one is broken.
When we feel tired, we should learn how to rest and not how to give up!
When realizing there is no friend you can totally trust and open up to!
When somebody turns you on so wildly, and spins your soul and heart and body together!
When you sometimes feel as you do not even recognize yourself in front of the mirror!
When was the last time you have lost your mind? You have lost your body in the process? And you have lost your soul in becoming more you and the best version of your authentic self?!

What a beautiful thing it is to lose yourself and be lost in a loving and an interesting conversation with the person you care about most and admire?
To completely give your body to one and only and totally and absolutely trust? To give without expecting nothing to return, and to receive without expecting to give something back!

And to lose yourself in a creative way? To lose yourself when the time just flows and floats. When you are in a flow and all the creative juices are just bursting with ideas and inspirations and passionate things and suggestions. When you lose the track of time and a minute seems to be stretched into hours and days and even weeks and months.

Is really the process of becoming a whole person at or by the end of our life to keep on losing ourselves on a project after a project? To get lost and to find yourself again? To continue on making the mistakes and hopefully learning from them? Not to be way too stubborn, and not to be selfish and self-centered, not to be impatient and intolerant. Just the opposite!

Not to think about the consequences, at least for the time being, because what could be more nicer, more enjoyable? To love the current moment we are in! This occasion is right here and right now. It will never come back. It will never be repeated. Never be played again. Never be heard over again!
Let yourself be lost with someone, let lose yourself in a process of creating something beautiful. A piece of art, a music, a poetry, and anything that comes to your mind!

Thank you for reading!!

the hardest decision ever to make!

the hardest decision ever to make!

Life has never really been easy. It was meant not to be easy at all and no one promised this to us. Hard work, a lot of patience and love is necessarily required. Commitment, going after what we want, respect other's decisions and love ourselves. Build our very own dreams and find our purpose and passions. Be honest, brave, strong, loving, understanding, patient, authentic, open-minded, forgiving, giving, respectful, healthy, happy, wise, thoughtful about many things and people around you and surrounded by you. Find a cause you believe in and give it your all. Find friends and mates who you could trust and they can trust you in return. Plant a tree and take care of beautiful flowers around your living space. Appreciate the little things, the sky, the mountain top, the clear stream, the warmth, the sunshine. The birds, the animals, the insects. Enjoying the taste of a good food and an excellent wine.

Helping others and those in need, taking good care of babies, and looking after gorgeous gardens. Giving a helping hand when and where needed. Give a piece of advice, give an opinion. Show a way, give a smile and a hug and a kiss. Give anything that needs to be received at the time, at the certain moment.

The decision to take a step and contact the love of your life.
The decision to make and let one of your children go.
The decision to get hurt and still never give up on love.
The decision to leave your loved one and sick one go.
The decision to be faithful and committed to the beloved.
The decision to quit smoking, to stop taking drugs, to never drink alcohol.
The decision to eat healthy, speak wisely, be a happy soul.

Some may say some on the above may be easier or more difficult than the rest. Yes, for some certainly! For some, many of those may be easy. One is the most hardest. Every single person is their very own story. The decisions that they have made so far in their lives may be already the hardest. Who could say, and who could judge?

The fairness for all, for women, for men, for children, for animals, for all the little things! To do your own part, to contribute with all that you have and with all that you know, to collaborate with like-minded people.

Thank you for reading and your time!!

Friday, 16 December 2016

Lusty (not to find a way out).

(not to find a way out).

Open - mindedness.

Feeling lusty. The feeling of vitality. The feeling of being full of life. To feel passionate.

Not ever to settle for the second best. Not ever to commit to something or somebody you are not sure of! Not looking for perfection. No arrogance. No dishonesty. No lies. But lots of cuddles and snuggles and kisses and hugs. And smiles and laughs. Lots of love, admiration, acceptance, adoration, love, appreciation. Tolerance and patience.

What to do in order to find the answer, to find and look for our true feelings and emotions? Shall we listen to our inner voice? Shall we share it with a trusted person? What if there is no such a person and we do not want to rush things? What if the past is still playing a part in our present life? Can this be a hindrance? Or an advantage? Can we take it as an opportunity? Is there ever a right way, or every way is the right way? Down the line, the answer would be more clear.

To take a leap of faith.. and jump! We may get hurt, again, we may be bruised. We may cry a little here and there and get sad, and lonely. To open up to someone in a way that we have never ever done before, to accept them and ourselves with all the flaws and more!

To go an a journey that can and will transfer all. To commit without ever thinking of coming back, returning back to the ways that have been before. To take a risk in order to gain even more. To float, to jump, to swim and not to sink. To go after what your heart, soul, body and mind craves and dreams of!

Thank you for your time and reading!!

Sunday, 11 December 2016

being on a roll.

being on a roll.

To be on a roll.

To create music, to write creatively, to paint beautifully, to sculpture miracles. To make anything without too much effort, without too much of an energy involved, and, yet, the final product is worth every bit and deserves and attention.

To go and to float with the flow. To swim without any pressure. To love without expecting anything in return! To give without waiting for receiving anything back!

When the words are coming out from you without even stopping and preventing your fingers from typing. When the music is floating through your mind, only waiting to be recorded by you. When the book and the piece of poetry are just on their way to be published! When the gorgeous sculpture and a lovely painting are created under your fingertips.

Things go within you and move you to the lengths you have never ever been to before! The hights are so high and you do not feel scared. You have all that it takes to go through this and come out as a success! All the obstacles you can solve and life just flows effortlessly, without much work. However, saying all that does not mean that all the stepping stones there and all the bricks in your way there have not purpose, at all! The opposite is the truth! You learn from them and possibly let others know, teach them by showing and taking actions yourself!

There is no time and space and place for anything that is not honest and authentic and yourself. You do not like dishonesty, the people who really like you and care about you and for who you mean a lot, a lot! Not push anybody into anything. If you could help, you would. If you could shop up (and because you can!), you would. If you could care (and because you can!), you would! There really is no limit to what you can say and do and achieve and give and provide, and create, and send, and help, and share, and more!

Let us have an ever flowing conversation. Let us open up and play, let us find a way we can both enjoy! Let us trust each other where and when no trust can ever be broken. Let us show one another the way that is passionate, full of laugh, full of fun, the list is truly endless..

Thank you for your time reading!! 

Saturday, 10 December 2016

I could not help but wonder....

I could not help but wonder....

why do we feel more connected to other people than others?
Why do we 'click' with some people more than with others?
Why do we feel better and at ease with some and not with others?

Obviously, there are many reasons. The attraction, the genetics, and more. We may feel attracted to some and be attracted by and to many. We can open up to some people and share our inner most secrets, but may have difficulty doing so with the rest.

Why some loves will stay in our life forever? He is this person to me. Lots of people cannot forget the love of their love that has touched them on so many levels.

With you, I do not know what to do, what to think and what to feel. Maybe you feel it the same. How much would one person like to get inside somebody else's head, and feel what they feel, their feelings and emotions. Everything.

How to get across and share with you all that is still left unspoken? How to get across to you and tell you what I think and feel and what you mean to me in my life. Just the photo of you, just some little nugget about you and I am there again. I have this very special connection with you, including my mind, my body, and my soul.

Listen to me, listen to what I have to say, because it is special, so special. So important, it means so much to me and you should and you must know this. What is going on in your world? What have you been up to? Recording? Working? Celebrating? Meeting family? Creating your interests? Talking and listening?

And that is why I have been wondering. About many things, currently going on, in my life. Why is it that you go up and down? Once feeling red and then feeling blue? Can you, please, open up again to me? Speak to me? Talk to me? Share with me? And trust me, trust me like never before, like you know you can trust me with all that is bothering you, that is sitting on your mind for ages, and I would understand and you will feel being understood by me. What a lovely experience is it? Don't close up and do not you ever give up! But show up and get in touch, reach out to me, because I am waiting and would appreciate your interest and your initiative!!!

Thank you for reading and your time!!

Friday, 9 December 2016

Watching each other...

Watching each other...

Watching each other.
Watching one another.
Checking each other out!
Checking one another out!

The energy we give out. The energy we receive. The energy we seek out. The energy we can process. The energy we need. The energy we crave. The energy we want! The energy we share. The energy we look forward to! The energy we are made out of! The energy we are surrounded by! The energy in itself.

Search me! Connect with me! Contact me! Watch me! Look for me! Get me!

Feel me. Feel me the way I feel you! Touch me again. Touch me the way I want to be touched by you and you want to touch me. Please, open up and stay open.

Sometimes the energy going through my entire body is so vivid, is so live, is so real, is so true that I cannot help myself and it but to go through it and with it. I can feel it with my every cell, with my entire being, with and through all my sense.

We should never ever deny ourselves the feel and the experience of truly and deeply feeling. When you are checking me out and I have been watching you, doing this and / or that. You must feel it, the nice vibration, the lovely sensations, the energy between us, the passion, the music that is there for us to bring us even more closer and enjoy every minute and second of this beautiful and unique connection!

Again. Do it again and be happy with me! Whatever happens, let it be.. open your mind and body and soul again to me! Stay open and stay close to me, again, please! This is my pledge to you. And I know you know what I mean by this.

You are free, free as you want to be and want to feel. I am only here to watch you, to care, to share, to laugh with, to be happy with and about. To be here whenever and whatever and wherever. Patience, trust, understanding, time and more that is exactly what I have in store for you, and you must know that!!!

Thank you for your time and reading!!

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Creating your own reality.

Creating your own reality.

The topics I usually come up with are at the most the products of my inner thoughts working, or the products of my current moods going on, or intuitions, or just what I fancy writing about just about right now, anything that comes to my mind and I find real interesting and definitely worth sharing with the rest of the gang, or my beggings for a better tomorrow, and, thus the better future days and times.

What we do today has obviously the profound effect on what we are going to be doing tomorrow and how we are going to think and feel, our aspirations, and dreams, and thoughts, they all are in play here! How we speak to others, and, also, how we speak to ourselves. What we do to ourselves and what we do with and to others. Our reactions. Our responses. Our plans. Our determinations to do things and to take an action upon them.

We can create our very own reality by thinking about it. It may be easily said than done, however. Maybe we have been pushing so hard that it may prevent us from living and enjoying our very dreams, and passions and aspirations. Maybe also we may be pushed into something that we do not feel good about at all. Yes, down the line we may see and witness the very reasons for this happening, yet, this is not a care every time. Then, going after what our soul and heart and body most desire maybe feel nearly impossible to reach and to claim for! We are stuck, we are in a rut race.

And what about then when you feel with all your body, with every single bone in your body and by every single cell in your body the need to go after certain things or certain someone, yet the obstacles seem to be standing in your way.. what do you do then? How do you explain this to yourself? How do your reinterpret this to yourself? What do you make out of this? What else, and what is next to do, to say, where abouts to go after now?

Confusing that certainly is! Every single passing day the stones, the bricks, the little obstacles here and there are in front of you to deal with! It is so nice to share them with special someone who you know and feel will understand, will provide a piece of an advice or two! They won't shut the door in your face, they are not going to laugh at you! They are going to be there, a good listening ear, a little touch and a stroke. A love goes a long way and should never be replaced by something less than this. Be good to people who are good to you, forgive those that need forgiving and your love. What do you think that people think of you? Would you care? Would you dare to even think about this? Are you doing something about this? Well, let us go and see...

Thank you so much for reading!

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Appreciating what you have before you lose (it)...

Appreciating what you have before you lose (it)...

It cannot get any more specific.

People way too often confuse that which can be easily taken away from them for something that is going to be and stay here for ever, for good, and they take it for granted and are much too surprised when this person, or this special service is all of a sudden out of their touch, out of their reach, out of their sight. And it happens, it should not be happening, but it does happen, on a day to day basis. One day, everything is great and everyone is happy, they mistakenly think all this is going to be here tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, also, and the day after that, too!

Yet, this person is gone, has gone, no way of them coming/returning back. No reason for them to come back. No real person for them to return back to!

And this service is no longer available to and for use.

Have you made that mistake? Have you done this yourself before? Or have you learnt from it?

We can make a mistake once, maybe, even twice, but not definitely three times! That would be way too stupid, way too silly, way too ignorant, way too much!

Let us appreciate the little things we so often take for granted. Let know the person you care about how much they mean for you and what role they have been playing in your life. Do the little, small things that may at first sight seem insignificant, yet they can mean a lot to the other person and they can make their day, definitely. Let us make sure we do not make the same mistake again. Let us let our love flow, let us be touched and loved and kissed and cared after and for. Let us be made love to all over again, let us be happy and smile. Let us enjoy our birthdays again and again and let our mind and thoughts wander effortlessly. Let us go for walks, let us our belly laugh out loud that it hurts. Let us swim in the lakes and oceans. Let us watch the sky and all the stars. Let us enjoy all the joys that the life has to offer, and more! This journey (this life) is so short and can be taken away from us in an instant. Never ever this should be taken for granted, for something that is here for sure, as this is such a wrong thinking if we do so....

Thank you very much for the time reading this!!

Sunday, 4 December 2016

plenty of sand on the beach...

plenty of sand on the beach...

Recall the last holiday, either in the summer months or the winter times, when you could just unwind, relax, chill out and enjoy. Enjoy everything beautiful that was around you and surrounding your closest things and valuables.

To cook with you, to laugh with him, to appreciate little things, small gifts, big laughs, gentle love, beautiful caring, thinking of them, having them on your mind. To play with you and to joke with you, tease him, learn about him, teach each other all the rest of us that they have never yet heard about before, not yet have seen and experienced.

There are plenty of reasons, there are plenty of fish in the sea, if you say so, there are plenty of ways how to reach out to someone we hold high in our hearts and have a soft spot for!

Enjoying the sunshine, or the snowflakes, building and making sandcastles, or a snowman, throwing a snowballs at one another, just for the fun of it.

No more silences, at least for the time being, no more spaces for ourselves, at least for the time being. No more crying, no more sadness, no more worries, no more confusions, no more doubts, no more any negative feelings and emotions, no more loneliness.

But lots of patience, lots of love, lots of caring, lots of appreciation, lots of understanding, lots of joys, lots of laughs, lots of jokes, lots of happiness, lots of healthy food and drinks, lots of fun games, lots of conversations, lots of sharing, lots of thinking about each other, lots of adoration, lots of loving pictures, etc.

Unhealthy and sad times have and must turn into healthy and very happy times. The lonely day has only 24 hours. The happy moment can last only for an hour. So, let him, let us enjoy everything beautiful that have been granted upon us and given to us. That is really, so truly, precious. Who could ever tell?
Let us spice it up a little bit, if need be! Think of all the good times that are still awaiting you, the best is yet to come! If it has not come, it must not be the end, yet.
All I wish for you, him, me, us, is that we still find enough energy for doing all this and more!!

Thank you for your time and reading!!! 

Spreading the news!

Spreading the news!

Spreading the news about good things and not so good things.
Spreading the news about getting hitched, getting married.
Spreading the news about the couple expecting the baby.
Spreading the news about the illness that everybody has been dreading.
Spreading the news about weather forecast, what to wear, what to leave at home.
Spreading the news about this or that in order to get heard and interesting.

People can have numerous reasons for spreading the news and in as many ways as possible.

We can be the messengers of spreading the news and messages that are uplifting, kind, loving and prosperous. If the news has to be delivered yet it may not be welcomed, we might want to do it as gently in a way as we can possible muster!

A lot of people are sensitive to anything that concerns them or the ones they love and care about. In such instances, the message has to be talked about in a way that feels caring and possibly nurturing. A

All of us can fall into trap of being selfish and see only our problems and troubles. So easy to do, so easy to say!

What would be the best for everyone involved? Is there a solution to it all that can be both satisfying and caringly gently as well for all concerns? What would be the best one in a long run? How can we judge one person to the other if we do not really see into their lives? We differ so much from one to another, and in so many ways. Our life's experiences, our loves, our places, our moves, our relationships, our friendships, our homes, our pets, our culture, our music, our art, our poetry, our writings, our musings, our lessons, our learnings, our teachings, our heart-breaks, our breaks, our holidays everywhere.

Make sure the news you are about to give is giving something valuable, even if not so easy to say or so easy to explain or a very difficult one to do, or not an easy one at all! Get connected, get open, get honest, get loving and get caring. The life is so, so short. Tomorrow may never come, this moment may never be repeated. So true!

Thank you for reading!!

Saturday, 3 December 2016

wake-up call. To awakening.

wake-up call.
To awakening.

Something or somebody shakes you up so hardly that there is no way for you to go back to the ways you have once been like.

Somebody or something that moves you to the very core of your being just by being honest with you and their authentic self.

Somebody and something that both together puts you on the right path for the right reasons with the right cause set on you.

Something and somebody who is there for a purpose to show you, to guide you, to provide you with, to understand you, to love you, to care about you, to think of you day in and day out.

That is a wake-up call. And that is awakening that you slowly yet surely bring yourself into!

This may or may not happen for some people, someone of them may be way too blind from it from really seeing it and appreciating and noticing its difference. Some of us has been granted with this and know the true treasure it holds within. Some may go right past it, take a look, not recognizing its significance and move on with their lives. And then, some, also may have been truly granted and blessed this unique mix and combination on a daily basis, and knowing it, for sure! The list of this could as well be endless...

May all of us has that chance. From very small children to a grown-up person and to the elderly. Everyone should have a chance and a go at life with all its beauty and pleasures and passions it offers. Even joy and sadness have their own reasons for being here, included, even they should have a place in our life, in order to teach us valuable lessons. About ourselves, about our surroundings. About our nature. About our habits. About our time and place. About are generation.

Hold on to this as tight as you possibly can as it is precious and so, oh, so rare! Who is that lucky individual? Who is the one who can acknowledge it and share it and enjoy it and love it to the fullest and appreciating it to the bits?

To show love, to show a pure interest and a lovely caring. To show and tell I am here whenever and wherever you need me to! That means so lot, so much!

Thank you very much for reading!!

Friday, 2 December 2016

Fair life! (acts of kindness)

Fair life!
(acts of kindness)

Fight for fairness in your life, in the life of people closer to you and to the people you love, and you care about, and from those that are weak and cannot fight and help themselves. Fight for the lonely people, for those who are sick and ill and do not have enough strength to fight for fair life for themselves and others, too!

Every day we can witness things that are not fair, we see people who say mean things, who do mean things and who treat others unfairly. One is getting ready for a date and finds out the partner has cheated on them, one is working hard to pass the exam and one who cheats, scores the most points.

So, I say no more of this! Enough of this for good! We cannot just stand there, watch this without taking an action or saying a word about this. We cannot just stay still and ignore what is right in front of our eyes!

It only takes an interest, a keen interest in what it really is going on around you, it really takes a decision to make that this is no longer going to happen again!

Not to be ignorant, not to pretend we do not see, we do not feel, we do not create, we do not care! What could be more awesome then a person who is passionate, who cares, who appreciates, who knows what they feel and are not afraid to speak up, to share that with others, to help others do the same.

One fair action leads to another fair action and then that slowly yet surely changes the word. There is no action that is too small or too little or to insignificant.

Yes, it does matter. You never know what your smile can do and make for somebody else. That little action, that little piece of advice, that small kind action.

Acts of kindness. Words of caring, touches of love. Smiles of passions. No arrogance, a plenty of interests. Remember the little precious things and let others remember them, too. We are all in this together. No one is an island. And nobody can make it on their own.

Thank you for reading!

A journey of a thousand steps (words)... .. always begins with the first step (word).

A journey of a thousand steps (words)...

.. always begins with the first step (word).

Today is your/his birthday.

From a baby to a grown up person.

From the chapter one to a never ending story. Like your life. Like my life. Like his life. Like our life together. From a real life story based on facts to a fairy tale for children. From a conception to being born. From the beginning right to the very end. From all the ingredients to the final product. For all the inspiration you have brought into my life. For all the moments of truths. For the nights without any sleep and with full of dreams. For all the ways that have made of me the person I currently am. For all that I have given to you and for all that you have provided for me...

Always on my mind, always in my heart, always in my soul, always on my body.

Just deciding of embarking on a journey that neither of us has even been before. More than just friendship, more than just love affair, more than just relationship between the two people! Making a decision of joining in a journey of togetherness. Of sharing things and ideas and opinions and love and laughs. Making the first move, asking the very first question, offering first the invitation, providing first the solution, giving up first the right to be right all the time.

There will always something that we have shared before, the time and moments, and place and occasions when we were there just the two of us, nobody else and the word was spinning just around us. Nobody was more precious, more important, more significant than me to you and then you to me. You just cannot forget this, you have to admit it, there is a way when it all falls nicely into its place. The smell of hair, the bedsheets, the music playing in the background, the lamp giving the light and making the shapes on the wall. The water, the drink after a love making, the lovely and loving exhaustion after all this, and more!
I love you and always will. I know you must feel this. You are not used to that, you are not knowing what to do, what to say, where to go, who to ask for an explanation.

It is what it is, the reason for it is unique and always worth it and no coincidence.

Please, may you know this, may you feel this, may you understand me. I mean what I say and I say what I mean!! For you.

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Brick after brick.. to build it!!

Brick after brick.. to build it!!

We can work on and should try and build on many projects, simultaneously. For instance, the relationships, the friendships, the projects at work, our dreams and passions, improve our skills, elaborate on anything that still needs some explaining to do, we can build the house, decorate our living space with flowers and beautiful gardens, grow a tree, care for animals and pets. Charity and other organization and causes, and all that surroundings we have grown accustomed to!

Every day, a bit by bit, we need to add a little bit of this and that here and there. Step by step to work at/on our relationships in order to protect them from stagnation, from being and staying still, from going from number 12 to number zero. Add some spices, some passion, some love, some interest, some more food, a different drink, different sort of questions. A mixture of ingredients to make a delicious cocktail!

To look at things just a bit differently with every passing day, week, month, year. What can we learn? What can we possibly teach others? What can we give? What can be possibly get back in return?

How can we build up our children to be the best versions of themselves? To be confident, happy, satisfied, generous, authentic, smiley, healthy, thoughtful, kind, patient, loving, giving, smart, curious, funny, open-minded, understanding, tolerant, accepting, teachable, great listeners, passionate, caring human beings?

The friendships, that sometimes can be even closer than love itself, that special bond that can even be stronger that the one between a brother and a sister; among all the siblings we may not even find a person that we could find in somebody else that we can feel we can absolutely trust and completely open up to! We can be ourselves with them and they can be there for us, no matter what! And on that, we need to work on, take a brick and then another and make it so strong and so still that even the strongest winds of all cannot possibly know this down!

What is worth fighting for for you? Is there a special cause you 100% believe in, is there a special person who has been with you through all these hard times, is there anything in particular that keeps you up at night and causes you to make yourself better in the best spirit of it? What is it? What would that be? Who could that be for you? Animal shelter? A moon gazing for a non-for-profit organization? Children without a roof under their heads and food and drinking water? The list is so endless...

Thank you so much for reading!!