Monday, 26 December 2016

sunshine and rain. Rain and sunshine.

sunshine and rain. Rain and sunshine.

The life goes through stages.
The life goes through phases.
The life goes through ups and downs.
The life goes through right turns and wrong turns.

What would it feel like if we went through our life on a smooth side? Without any real obstacles? Would we truly and really appreciate all the precious people and things coming in and coming out of our life? Can we really know what the true treasure really is? How much does it actually cost?

Considering one person who has been given everything and even more? She/he has been fed on a silver platter, no worry about finding work and friends and even a sweetheart from school? No divorce, no heartbreak, no trouble getting pregnant, and more!

And then considering someone who has been through a lot. A heartbreak, a lack of job opportunities, being and feeling alone.

The one, obviously, who has felt the pain, who has touched the very rock bottom, must know what it feels like to be treated poorly, to be lonely, to be penniless, etc. Would he or she then be more open to be gentle, caring to others, truth to him/her and other people, more loving with the rest of us. He knows the pain, the knows about the heartbreak, he knows about the nights without the dreams, he knows about going to bed with being hungry, etc.

Are you the one who is stubborn, who will not ever make the first step, who does not really know how to apologize, who does not know how to open up and talk and speak, how to love and let be loved in return, to give others and receive nevertheless! Can you admit to being wrong, to making a mistake, to give without ever asking, to give time when needed, to give an advise when asked for, to wait when it needed to be! Can you show and prove your interest to and for someone even though your knees are shivering, and your voice is shaking?

To fight with the rain and to enjoy the sunshine when it lasts. To ability to dance in a rain when it is raining, to swim in the waters when the sunshine is shining and giving us a warmth, and a vitamin D. And more, of course!
May we all know how to differentiate between the rain and the sunshine. May we all see the advantages of and for both! May we!!

Thank you for the time and your reading! 

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