Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Brick after brick.. to build it!!

Brick after brick.. to build it!!

We can work on and should try and build on many projects, simultaneously. For instance, the relationships, the friendships, the projects at work, our dreams and passions, improve our skills, elaborate on anything that still needs some explaining to do, we can build the house, decorate our living space with flowers and beautiful gardens, grow a tree, care for animals and pets. Charity and other organization and causes, and all that surroundings we have grown accustomed to!

Every day, a bit by bit, we need to add a little bit of this and that here and there. Step by step to work at/on our relationships in order to protect them from stagnation, from being and staying still, from going from number 12 to number zero. Add some spices, some passion, some love, some interest, some more food, a different drink, different sort of questions. A mixture of ingredients to make a delicious cocktail!

To look at things just a bit differently with every passing day, week, month, year. What can we learn? What can we possibly teach others? What can we give? What can be possibly get back in return?

How can we build up our children to be the best versions of themselves? To be confident, happy, satisfied, generous, authentic, smiley, healthy, thoughtful, kind, patient, loving, giving, smart, curious, funny, open-minded, understanding, tolerant, accepting, teachable, great listeners, passionate, caring human beings?

The friendships, that sometimes can be even closer than love itself, that special bond that can even be stronger that the one between a brother and a sister; among all the siblings we may not even find a person that we could find in somebody else that we can feel we can absolutely trust and completely open up to! We can be ourselves with them and they can be there for us, no matter what! And on that, we need to work on, take a brick and then another and make it so strong and so still that even the strongest winds of all cannot possibly know this down!

What is worth fighting for for you? Is there a special cause you 100% believe in, is there a special person who has been with you through all these hard times, is there anything in particular that keeps you up at night and causes you to make yourself better in the best spirit of it? What is it? What would that be? Who could that be for you? Animal shelter? A moon gazing for a non-for-profit organization? Children without a roof under their heads and food and drinking water? The list is so endless...

Thank you so much for reading!!

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