Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Appreciating what you have before you lose (it)...

Appreciating what you have before you lose (it)...

It cannot get any more specific.

People way too often confuse that which can be easily taken away from them for something that is going to be and stay here for ever, for good, and they take it for granted and are much too surprised when this person, or this special service is all of a sudden out of their touch, out of their reach, out of their sight. And it happens, it should not be happening, but it does happen, on a day to day basis. One day, everything is great and everyone is happy, they mistakenly think all this is going to be here tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, also, and the day after that, too!

Yet, this person is gone, has gone, no way of them coming/returning back. No reason for them to come back. No real person for them to return back to!

And this service is no longer available to and for use.

Have you made that mistake? Have you done this yourself before? Or have you learnt from it?

We can make a mistake once, maybe, even twice, but not definitely three times! That would be way too stupid, way too silly, way too ignorant, way too much!

Let us appreciate the little things we so often take for granted. Let know the person you care about how much they mean for you and what role they have been playing in your life. Do the little, small things that may at first sight seem insignificant, yet they can mean a lot to the other person and they can make their day, definitely. Let us make sure we do not make the same mistake again. Let us let our love flow, let us be touched and loved and kissed and cared after and for. Let us be made love to all over again, let us be happy and smile. Let us enjoy our birthdays again and again and let our mind and thoughts wander effortlessly. Let us go for walks, let us our belly laugh out loud that it hurts. Let us swim in the lakes and oceans. Let us watch the sky and all the stars. Let us enjoy all the joys that the life has to offer, and more! This journey (this life) is so short and can be taken away from us in an instant. Never ever this should be taken for granted, for something that is here for sure, as this is such a wrong thinking if we do so....

Thank you very much for the time reading this!!

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