Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Creating your own reality.

Creating your own reality.

The topics I usually come up with are at the most the products of my inner thoughts working, or the products of my current moods going on, or intuitions, or just what I fancy writing about just about right now, anything that comes to my mind and I find real interesting and definitely worth sharing with the rest of the gang, or my beggings for a better tomorrow, and, thus the better future days and times.

What we do today has obviously the profound effect on what we are going to be doing tomorrow and how we are going to think and feel, our aspirations, and dreams, and thoughts, they all are in play here! How we speak to others, and, also, how we speak to ourselves. What we do to ourselves and what we do with and to others. Our reactions. Our responses. Our plans. Our determinations to do things and to take an action upon them.

We can create our very own reality by thinking about it. It may be easily said than done, however. Maybe we have been pushing so hard that it may prevent us from living and enjoying our very dreams, and passions and aspirations. Maybe also we may be pushed into something that we do not feel good about at all. Yes, down the line we may see and witness the very reasons for this happening, yet, this is not a care every time. Then, going after what our soul and heart and body most desire maybe feel nearly impossible to reach and to claim for! We are stuck, we are in a rut race.

And what about then when you feel with all your body, with every single bone in your body and by every single cell in your body the need to go after certain things or certain someone, yet the obstacles seem to be standing in your way.. what do you do then? How do you explain this to yourself? How do your reinterpret this to yourself? What do you make out of this? What else, and what is next to do, to say, where abouts to go after now?

Confusing that certainly is! Every single passing day the stones, the bricks, the little obstacles here and there are in front of you to deal with! It is so nice to share them with special someone who you know and feel will understand, will provide a piece of an advice or two! They won't shut the door in your face, they are not going to laugh at you! They are going to be there, a good listening ear, a little touch and a stroke. A love goes a long way and should never be replaced by something less than this. Be good to people who are good to you, forgive those that need forgiving and your love. What do you think that people think of you? Would you care? Would you dare to even think about this? Are you doing something about this? Well, let us go and see...

Thank you so much for reading!

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