Wednesday, 21 December 2016

fear as a tool!!

fear as a tool!!

There are plenty of ways and tools for one individual to use in order to float without too much effort through life. For some this may be a helpful tool to use, and for other not so much! Some of us can be directed via the 'carrot or a stick' rule, whereas the rest of people may find other ways to incorporate in their precious life.

Fear of being alone, fear of letting go, fear of not be loved, fear of a dependance on another people, fear of not being understood, being of being terminally ill, fear of not being able to produce and have and brought children up into this world, fear of not being enough, fear of not belong to anybody or/and any group, organization, cause. The list is, of course, endless.

Would you use a carrot or a stick for yourself, and why is that? How would you go about creating the life of your dreams? When there is no energy left at the bottom of your being, you go through days without really thinking of creating and making plans for your near future!

How can we use all those setbacks in life, all the drawbacks, all the heartbreaks, all the sad and broken and miserable days and nights to our very advantage and turn everything around? Is there a way that could work for everyone? Do you have any idea, any piece of advise, anything that has worked before for all, or at least, for one person, if only?

When your body is tired, when your soul is earning for the meaning and passion in your life and when your mind is hungry for knowledge and experience. Your heart cries out for a hug, a kiss, an embrace, an snuggle, and a lovely love-making with the one and only?

When you are sick and all your parts of your body is aching. Every cell in your body is missing some vital and important ingredients. What you want to have all your questions answered, or at least, most or some of them! When the road meets at the crossroad, yet no right or direct way is seen to be the most sensible one! When you are thirsty for creating all that your mind can conceive, yet you lack the vitality, the energy, the lust, the passion, the reason, the purpose, all the package!

Please, please, show me the way! Show me who to love! Show me where to go! Show me what to say! Please, please, show me what to say and to whom!

Thank you very much for reading and your time!!

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