Friday, 30 June 2017

your favourite number.

your favourite number.

What would be your favourite number?
Do you prefer even numbers, such as 2, 4, 6, etc. numbers?
Or, do you prefer odd numbers, such as 1, 3, 5, etc. numbers?

Is there any number that for some reason brings you a luck time and time again?
Do you believe in numbers as such bringing us luck and happiness?
Does your 'Lucky number' reminds you of something?
Why is that 'Lucky number', actually?

The state of mind when it does believe in something and then the state of mind when it does not believe in anything, at all, is on a constant miracle journey, for many reasons, really!

We may not really and truly understand why is this or that done this or that way, but it is, and somehow for one reason or the other, it brings us a joy, luck, happiness, maybe even love, etc.

There might even be some book written about this very subject and on this very subject there may be many important and significant talks and speeches done and heard and listened to!

Some may like 2, 4, 7, 8, 11, 44, 77, 88, and who knows what else?

What would we, or what are your favourite ones? What belongs among them, and why?

Any specific numbers that do the opposite for you? Meaning, they do not bring what we want to, what we crave for, what we wish for, what we desire, what we hope for, etc.?

Even the numbers represented in a time version, such as:

What do you think of these, above??

Thank you for reading and your time!!!

Thursday, 29 June 2017

Genuine feelings.

Genuine feelings.

So rare.
So real.
So unique.
So special.
So precious.
So wonderful.
So loving.
So caring.
So important.
So significant.
So profound.
So beautiful.
So amazing.
So great.
So gorgeous.
So pure.

Genuine feelings for somebody.
Having someone have genuine feelings for you.
Could there be anything more unique and special and significant?

Nothing else but love, nothing else but thinking about this very person, nothing else but just wishing the best for this very person, nothing else but hoping this very person is having a wonderful and beautiful and great day!

Is there anybody out there who means and represents that much to and for you? Who is this?
Are yourself that very special person to somebody else? Who is that?

These very feelings are pure and honest and vulnerable in the best way there is!

Let make them stand out and be more of, on a daily, day to day basis!
Starting with myself!

Thank you for reading and your time!!!!

Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Laugh. Laugh as hard as you can!

Laugh. Laugh as hard as you can!

The real wealth is a reall health.
And this should be our priority. Always!
We all know laughing is good for us, in fact, so good for us, actually.
But, how often do we really laugh?
Are we laughing right now, at this very moment?
And if not, why not, than?

We should laugh often, and a lot!
Even laugh at ourselves! Oh, how good that actually feels!!

Even laughing for no apparent reason. Just so! Just because! Just because we want to! Just because we feel like it! Just because it is good for us and everyone around!

And, also, on the plus side, laughing is contagious.
You can even start the laughing revolution. You begin laughing and the rest of the world could join in with you! How cool that would be!!

Dancing while singing while laughing while having fun while enjoying yourself!

What could make you quite possible laugh out loud hard, for sure?
Would there be any specific things or people? Who or what that would be?
Any specific show?
Any specific tune?
Any specific song?
Any specific music?
Any specific people-person?
Any specific or a special moment or a memory?

What about today? Have you already done your bit?
And if so, why not go for it right now and right here, maybe even together?
Because, perhaps, those very things may be the only memories we would cherish later on and remember, recall and even memorize it! So, let's make a lot of them!!!

Thank you for reading and your time!!!!

perfection at its finest.

perfection at its finest.

There has never been a real point in trying to do and to be perfect.
In reality, the perfection does not exist.
No thing could be really as perfect as 100%. And rightly so, it should be that way!
We may strive for a perfection with all the might and with all we want, yet, that would quite possibly be never accomplished.

It is human to make mistakes.
It is human to learn all that we can along the way!
It is human to ask for a help.
It is human to ask for a direction.
It is human to say: 'I don't know!'.
It is human to be and feel vulnerable.
It is human to try and try again and try one more time!
It is human to apologize and be sorry!
It is human to cry.

So, why on earth would we try to be and plan on being perfect in everything we do? To have a perfect body? To have a perfect mate? To have a perfect child? To have perfect friends? To have a perfect job? To have a perfect house? To have a perfect car? To have a perfect pet? To have a perfect garden? To have perfect clothes? To have a perfect wedding? To have a perfect holiday? To have a perfect sex life? To have the perfect answers? To ask and give the perfect questions? To write a perfect blog post? To paint the perfect picture? To take the perfect photo? To create the perfect song? To write the perfect poem, etc. etc.?

At the same time, and taken by the same token, we may actually never come around doing this, at all.
Just from the pure and sheer scarcity of making mistakes and being at fault.
And then, we would have failed, no matter what!
And THAT would be a huge mistake, clearly made!

So, which way would you choose to go with?
I am pretty sure the answer is quite obvious...

Good Luck!!

Thank you for reading and your time!!!!

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Great appetite for life!

Great appetite for life!

A good and healthy appetite for everything that the life has to offer to you!
This, to me, represents the whole outlook on life, be it relationships, family, love, passion, position, calling, jobs, friends, occupations, pets, house, home, surroundings, environment, anything you can think of could quite possibly fall into this very category.

Not every day we would feel this way, of course!
Not every day we would have a healthy and great appetite for life!
Not every day we would be happy!
Not every day we would feel a total satisfaction with everything!
Not every day it would be roses and sunshine!
Not every day we would know the answers!
Not every day we would be able to ask the right questions!
Not every day we would be all the smiles all around!
Not every day we would have the right words to come out of our mouth!
Not every day we would talk to the right people, at the right time, in the right place.
Not every day this or that would happen to us, be it good and not so good!

And so, because, this is life.
Ups and downs.
Highs and lows.
Smiles and cries.
Happiness and sadness.
Friends and enemies.
Business and boredom.

How we go through this and how we handle all this depends all on our ability to cope with such things. How we view ourselves in the midst of everything, and how we view and see the world around us!

As we get older, we may discover more suitable and/or comfortable ways how to go about this issue..

Thank you for reading and your time!!

Monday, 26 June 2017

From migraine to peace.

From migraine to peace.

Have you ever experienced a migraine?
Have you ever experienced a headache?
Have you ever experienced a peace?

We have all been at the crossroad, in one way or the other.
Decisions that need to be made. The thoughts that have to be well thought through. Meetings to attend, speeches to give, conversations to have, advices to give and provide, etc.
Has, and if so, what has helped you to overcome it?
Perhaps by starting doing something that you really enjoy? And forgetting or just simply leaving all the worries behind?
Putting yourself and your priorities first and above all else, always, no matter what!
Going after what if in front of you, and going ahead for it!
From breakdown to a breakthrough!

Sometimes, perhaps even way too often, we may feel lost and trapped in a circle that goes around and around without much change to it. But, how do we get out of this trap? How do we start moving on and more interestingly – moving in the right direction?

Maybe, to sleep over it? The next day it may all seem and look all a bit different, after all!

What if we could wake up to knowing all the answers? Would that be fun, or would you find this boring? And if so, why would that so be?

When we are in a state when our mind would not simply quite possibly work the way we want it to be, then, we might as well calm down, relax a bit and let it float and flow effortlessly, without needing to give it our input.
Things may as well work themselves out in the process, because, yes, sometimes it does really happen!

Have this ever happened to you? It surely has for me!
The life can really be a lot strange, to us and for us...

Thank you for reading and your time!!!!

Sunday, 25 June 2017



Hold on and hang on!

Our life can take us on many paths.
We can feel so exhausted and tired and worried and sad and lonely.
Do we still have to hold on even though we do not feel like it?
Are we still alive?
Are we still breathing?
Are we still kicking?
What more of a reason do we still need to have?

How long would we need to wait till we feel it is the right moment?
How would we recognize it?
What would need to happen in order to know this very fact?
Do we actually need to wait? What about now, right now, at this very moment, and in this very place?

Is this our reason, maybe, sometime, the only reason why we want to wake up to something, every and single each day?

Not every day is a happy day.
Not every day it is flowers and sunshine.
Not every day it is roses and smiles.

Yet, we still have to move on.
Yet, we still have to get up and get going.
Yet, we still have to wake up and find a reason.
Yet, we still need to feed ourselves.
Yet, we still need to fulfill all of our dreams and wishes and aspirations.
Yet, we still need to fix things.
Yet, we still need to get some sleep and rest and relax.
Yet, we still need to pursue our passions.
Yet, we still need to communicate!
Yet, we still need to and have to....

Thank you for reading and your time!!!

Saturday, 24 June 2017

the priceless moments.

the priceless moments.

The moments that have turned your life upside down.
The moments that make you stop and think.
The moments that send shivers down your back and spine.
The moments that give you goosebumps.
The moments that make you fall in love.
The moments that when you have found yourself all over again.
The moments that make you realize who you are!
The moments that have helped you find your passion.

As many moments as you can remember.
As many moments as you give them your attention to.
As many moments as you desire to share them with the rest.
As many moments as they have turned you into a person who you are, right now, at the moment.
As many moments as they shaped your past and influence your present and then, the future.
As many moments as they are all positive & negative experiences in your life.
As many moments as they are reasons for you to have them and keep them in your life, and in your memory!
As many moments as they are willing people who are going to make stories about them!

Our life has been put together by pieces, many pieces, a piece by a piece.
Like a puzzle, a jigsaw puzzle. Good, bad, medium. Anything that makes a memory a memory! A moment a moment.
All those pieces put together to connect represent out life. We live it every day, every single and each day. Every moment, every minute. This very minute that has just passed cannot be taken back, can not be ever returned, yet, is still should be enjoyed as best as we possibly can!!

Getting rid of things and people that do not serve us. And keeping only those genuinely interested in us and meaning the best of the best to and for us!
Every day, doing the work and see the changes as we go along and as the days pass by!

Do it for yourself and see for yourself!!

Thank you for reading and your time!!!!

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Just passing one stage of life. That is it!

Just passing one stage of life. That is it!

How many stages does one's life actually have?
How many of them have we already been through and gotten away with?
What has already been behind us?
What is yet before us?
And what stage are we currently finding ourselves in or at?
And/or what stage would you like to be at or in?

It has been said that if we have been going through a certain stage right now, at the moment, for some time now, and like it or not, it is going to pass, soon. Be it good, or not so good.
It is not going to stay there like this for ever.
So, we may as well enjoy it, dwell on it if needs to be, and then, quite possibly, move on. For better, for worse. As quickly as humanly possible. Or we may run away from is as fast and as quickly as humanly possible.

How long does it actually take from one stage to the other?

And what might actually be included and involved in every and each single stage?
For example, a stage of dating
a stage of studying
a stage of having a baby
a stage of starting a family
a stage of moving out and into a new place
a stage of building our own career
a stage of travelling and visiting other places and countries
a stage of finding ourselves in this all
a stage of marriage
a stage of working, just balancing work and life at the same time
a stage of doing nothing, absolutely nothing, at all
a stage of helping people
a stage of being our best version of crazy
a stage of being asleep for a long time
a stage of... fill in the blank!

Thank you for reading and your time!!!

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Look out for yourself.

Look out for yourself.

Physical pain & psychological pain.
Look out: we could be our worst enemy. Health is all that we have if we have it, at all.

Be it yourself.
Be it your health.
Be it your lover.
Be it your child or children.
Be it your physical state and condition.
Be it your passion.
Be it your career.
Be it your pet.

As we may all know, the psychological pain may be even worse or get worse than the real physical pain.
It might take longer to get over such a pain. Wounds will heal, sooner or later. But how long does it take for the psychological hurt and pain to totally disappear? Sometimes, maybe even the lifetime. Or even it may never truly be totally gone.

Look for ways that make you happy.
Look for ways that put a smile on your face.
Look for ways that make you jump up with a joy.
Look for ways that turn you into a one fine and cheerful person.
And also look out for the ways that put you down, and bring you down.

Look for what makes your heart, soul and body sing, sour and dance!

The only resource that we can really actually work with is our body in the best state and a shape.
Why would we treat it any other way than well?
Why would be betray ourselves for the sake of others who may not even deserve it? Why, ah, so why?

Thank you for reading and your time!!!!

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Take a leap of faith and just jump right in!

Take a leap of faith and just jump right in!

Have faith.
Dream big.

Are we becoming numb to having faith?
Do we begin to trust less and less as we get older?
Is that a fallacy that we just simply cannot get out of? Or get rid of? Or get over it? Or get used to it, for that matter?

But what if we really do jump and it does now work out for us?
What if we cannot bare the 'failure' any longer and anymore?
What if we have just reached the point of stopping to go anywhere?
What if our boundaries are telling us not to go this and that way, again?

Life is precious.
Time is precious.
Health is precious.
The dreams are precious.
We are precious.
Every moment, in fact, is precious.

The constant worry between the hurt and the chance of taking the big jump of leaning in and having a faith and go for it.
How does is actually look like at the other end?
How else would we know if we actually did not try and took the leap of faith??

Yes, we have been hurt, we have been done to a lot of not such nice things.
Yet, we have also experienced love, in some way or the other, if we were lucky. We have pretty sure had moments of total joy, if not, we would not have gone that far, so far! Unlike anybody else, we could gather ourselves and some strength within, still left inside, and move on with our life in the best way possible. Make the decisions, and make the final decision. How much time do we still have? Who knows, actually? Nobody, really....

Thank you for reading and your time!!!!!

Saturday, 17 June 2017



Sharing them.
Feeling them.
Experiencing them.
Noticing them.
Recognizing them.
Showing them.
Proving them.
Providing them.
Loving them.
Liking them.
Adoring them.
Cherishing them.
Appreciating them.
Chasing them.
Going after them.
Wishing for them.
Hoping for them.
Dreaming them and dreaming of and about them.
Singing about them.
Writing about them.
Influencing them.
Preaching them and about them.
Teaching them.
Learning about them.
Relieving them.
Realizing them.
Leaning on them.
Calling on them.
Thanking them.
Knowing about them.
Keeping them.
Valuing them.
Understanding them.
Respecting them.
Sleeping with them.
Falling in love with them.
Falling asleep with them.
Adding them.
Planning on them.
Counting on with them.

Heartbeats of a baby.
Heartbeats of your loved one.
Heartbeats of yours.

And numerous other significant verbs that may pretty much cover all that we could possible do with heartbeats.

The promise to be made, and realized, noticed and made into a reality.

Because we are in love, the couple, the people who share something so strong that could never ever be really explained properly to anybody, for that matter.

One night. One moment. One question. One answer. One song. One promise.

Let us figure this one out!

Thank you for your time and reading!!!