Friday, 30 June 2017

your favourite number.

your favourite number.

What would be your favourite number?
Do you prefer even numbers, such as 2, 4, 6, etc. numbers?
Or, do you prefer odd numbers, such as 1, 3, 5, etc. numbers?

Is there any number that for some reason brings you a luck time and time again?
Do you believe in numbers as such bringing us luck and happiness?
Does your 'Lucky number' reminds you of something?
Why is that 'Lucky number', actually?

The state of mind when it does believe in something and then the state of mind when it does not believe in anything, at all, is on a constant miracle journey, for many reasons, really!

We may not really and truly understand why is this or that done this or that way, but it is, and somehow for one reason or the other, it brings us a joy, luck, happiness, maybe even love, etc.

There might even be some book written about this very subject and on this very subject there may be many important and significant talks and speeches done and heard and listened to!

Some may like 2, 4, 7, 8, 11, 44, 77, 88, and who knows what else?

What would we, or what are your favourite ones? What belongs among them, and why?

Any specific numbers that do the opposite for you? Meaning, they do not bring what we want to, what we crave for, what we wish for, what we desire, what we hope for, etc.?

Even the numbers represented in a time version, such as:

What do you think of these, above??

Thank you for reading and your time!!!

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