Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Great appetite for life!

Great appetite for life!

A good and healthy appetite for everything that the life has to offer to you!
This, to me, represents the whole outlook on life, be it relationships, family, love, passion, position, calling, jobs, friends, occupations, pets, house, home, surroundings, environment, anything you can think of could quite possibly fall into this very category.

Not every day we would feel this way, of course!
Not every day we would have a healthy and great appetite for life!
Not every day we would be happy!
Not every day we would feel a total satisfaction with everything!
Not every day it would be roses and sunshine!
Not every day we would know the answers!
Not every day we would be able to ask the right questions!
Not every day we would be all the smiles all around!
Not every day we would have the right words to come out of our mouth!
Not every day we would talk to the right people, at the right time, in the right place.
Not every day this or that would happen to us, be it good and not so good!

And so, because, this is life.
Ups and downs.
Highs and lows.
Smiles and cries.
Happiness and sadness.
Friends and enemies.
Business and boredom.

How we go through this and how we handle all this depends all on our ability to cope with such things. How we view ourselves in the midst of everything, and how we view and see the world around us!

As we get older, we may discover more suitable and/or comfortable ways how to go about this issue..

Thank you for reading and your time!!

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