Monday, 26 June 2017

From migraine to peace.

From migraine to peace.

Have you ever experienced a migraine?
Have you ever experienced a headache?
Have you ever experienced a peace?

We have all been at the crossroad, in one way or the other.
Decisions that need to be made. The thoughts that have to be well thought through. Meetings to attend, speeches to give, conversations to have, advices to give and provide, etc.
Has, and if so, what has helped you to overcome it?
Perhaps by starting doing something that you really enjoy? And forgetting or just simply leaving all the worries behind?
Putting yourself and your priorities first and above all else, always, no matter what!
Going after what if in front of you, and going ahead for it!
From breakdown to a breakthrough!

Sometimes, perhaps even way too often, we may feel lost and trapped in a circle that goes around and around without much change to it. But, how do we get out of this trap? How do we start moving on and more interestingly – moving in the right direction?

Maybe, to sleep over it? The next day it may all seem and look all a bit different, after all!

What if we could wake up to knowing all the answers? Would that be fun, or would you find this boring? And if so, why would that so be?

When we are in a state when our mind would not simply quite possibly work the way we want it to be, then, we might as well calm down, relax a bit and let it float and flow effortlessly, without needing to give it our input.
Things may as well work themselves out in the process, because, yes, sometimes it does really happen!

Have this ever happened to you? It surely has for me!
The life can really be a lot strange, to us and for us...

Thank you for reading and your time!!!!

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