Tuesday, 19 February 2019

on which side are you on?

on which side?

We can always choose which side of the bed we want to sleep on.
We can always choose which mood we want to be in for all our day.
We can always choose to be kind and nice or rude and unkind?
We can always choose to be happy or sad and moody.
We can always choose to work or be lazy.
We can always choose to study or to watch tv.
We can always choose to exercise or to sleep.
We can always choose to accept the consequences or to fight against them.
We can always choose to go with the flow or swim against the tide.
We can always choose to remain silent or let our voice be heard.
We can always choose to be healthy or unhealthy.
We can always choose to smile or to frown.
We can always choose to admit to having made a mistake or be stubborn.
We can always choose to cook or to eat raw.
We can always choose to love and be loved or just simply hate.
We can always choose to put ourselves first or be used as a doormat.
We can always choose our family over our work.
We can always choose to fix the problem or look for something or someone to put the blame on.
We can always choose to try and solve the problem or concentrate on the worries.
We can always choose find a solution of we really want to.
We can always choose this or that.
We can always choose the right path as long as we are willing to do so!

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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