Sunday, 17 February 2019

being kind, not right.

being kind, not right.

We can always have our views.
We can always hold our opinions.
Yet, we don't always have to be right.
We can agree.
We can disagree.
We can always agree to disagree.
It is useful to be kind than to be right all the time.
It is better to be wise and courageous and kind than to be upset and angry all the time.
It is also useful to admit to being wrong if this is a case.
It is useful to be forgetting and forgiving than keep it to yourself for way too long.
It is useful to admit making a mistake.
It is useful to admit to being at fault.
What sort of a person are you?
Are you easy going?
Are you sensible enough?
Are you experienced enough?
Can you still admit to being a student?
Can you still admit to having a lot to learn, still and yet?
Can you still remain happy after being wrong and show your kindness instead?

Can you really?

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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