Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Being close, being together.

Being close, being together.

Feeling the depth of our love.
Feeling the deep and sincere connection and love.
Feeling the connecting on much more and many deeper levels.
Being finally together, forever and ever and always.
And so much in love with each other.
Feeling the deep trust in and one another.
Being always curious about each other.
Being funny with one another. Making jokes, make it all fun and hot and spicy together.
Being spontaneous at every moment and opportunity.
Learning about each other.
Being experimental.
Still trying new things together.
Heading in the same direction.
Having the same goals.
Working on things and working them out together too!
And more!!

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, 24 February 2019

Going with the flow.

Going with the flow.

Going with the flow.
Enjoying the moment.
No rush.
Taking your time.
Learning about things and yourself.
Appreciating the little things.
Noticing everything that would otherwise be taken for granted.
Having it all in being generous.
Having it all in wanting less.
Having it all in needing less.
Stop holding grudges.
Start forgetting and forgiving others.
Begin with being humble, yet courageous.
Being strong and kind.
Beginning with yourself, always.
Try one more time.
Try once more.
Love, love and love even more.
Give and take.
Receive, get and gain.

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, 23 February 2019

A piece by a piece.

A piece by a piece.

A piece by a piece, it is slowly all making a sense.
Putting a piece by a piece together to create the whole picture, the whole image, the whole jigsaw puzzle.
The past is making a clearer sense now.
All the lessons learnt.
All the mistakes made.
All the question marks.
All the questions and their answers.
All the lookings for and searchings.
A bit by a bit getting closer to understanding it.
A bit by a bit getting closer to understanding the reasons behind certain actions.
Being happy and really, REALLY FEELing it.
Becoming a better person for yourself and others.
Going for it all.
Going big.
Dreaming big.
Asking for it.
Enjoying every moment until it lasts.
No more looking back, only in memories, in retrospective.
Finally starting to blossom, in every way.
Finally being in charge, with the right person, and for the right reasons!!

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, 22 February 2019

Tell me this...

Tell me this...

What do you feel when you are really happy?
What do you feel when you miss me?
What do you feel when you need me?
What do you feel when you really want me?
What do you feel exactly when you love me?
What do you feel when you feel sad?
What do you feel when you feel hopeful?
What do you feel when you feel hopeless?
What do you feel that you know you are in love?
What do you feel when you have a need to accomplish anything?
Tell me about your dreams and goals and aspirations.
Tell me about your insecurities.
Tell me what inspires you.
Tell me what you love, what you adore so much.
Tell me about your setbacks, shortcomings.
Tell me about what scares you the most.
Tell me what you are afraid of the most and what are the reasons.
Tell me what puts a smile on your face.
Tell me what makes you horny.
Tell me what makes you blush.
Tell me what you like to eat.
Tell me what you are looking forward to the most.
Tell me everything, anything about you.

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, 21 February 2019

Happiness is...

Happiness is...

Waking up each morning next to the person you love and want to spend the rest of your life with.
Being engaged in a relationship that is full of kisses and hugs and cuddles and snuggles and love making and pure love.
When you laugh out loud for no apparent reason.
When your dream comes true.
When you have enough courage.
When you allow yourself to fully feel.
When you can cry.
When you have the questions.
When you are searching for the answers.
When you finally make that decision.
When you can hear.
When you can sing and dance.
When you can speak.
When you can taste.
When you can run and feel wild and free.
When you can just go for it.
When you happen to explore.
When you travel a lot.
When you meet fun, interesting, creative, curious people.
When you do what you love.
When you are with the person who you love.

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Feeling it deep and hard!!

Feeling it deep and hard!!

Falling in so deep that there is no way out.
Trusting and believing.
Enjoying every moment.
Feeling the gratitude.
Feeling the joy.
Feeling the intensity.
Feeling the total and absolute happiness.
The dream coming true.
The fuzzy feelings all over your body.
The moments when no words need to be spoken.
The possibility of seeing everything clear.
The understanding of the world inside and outside of you.
The search is over now.
The longing is finally over too.
Not being tired anymore.
No headaches.
No heartaches.
No pain.
No hurt.
No sadness.
No confusion.
All is left is only love.
Everything that is left is just love.

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, 19 February 2019

on which side are you on?

on which side?

We can always choose which side of the bed we want to sleep on.
We can always choose which mood we want to be in for all our day.
We can always choose to be kind and nice or rude and unkind?
We can always choose to be happy or sad and moody.
We can always choose to work or be lazy.
We can always choose to study or to watch tv.
We can always choose to exercise or to sleep.
We can always choose to accept the consequences or to fight against them.
We can always choose to go with the flow or swim against the tide.
We can always choose to remain silent or let our voice be heard.
We can always choose to be healthy or unhealthy.
We can always choose to smile or to frown.
We can always choose to admit to having made a mistake or be stubborn.
We can always choose to cook or to eat raw.
We can always choose to love and be loved or just simply hate.
We can always choose to put ourselves first or be used as a doormat.
We can always choose our family over our work.
We can always choose to fix the problem or look for something or someone to put the blame on.
We can always choose to try and solve the problem or concentrate on the worries.
We can always choose find a solution of we really want to.
We can always choose this or that.
We can always choose the right path as long as we are willing to do so!

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, 17 February 2019

being kind, not right.

being kind, not right.

We can always have our views.
We can always hold our opinions.
Yet, we don't always have to be right.
We can agree.
We can disagree.
We can always agree to disagree.
It is useful to be kind than to be right all the time.
It is better to be wise and courageous and kind than to be upset and angry all the time.
It is also useful to admit to being wrong if this is a case.
It is useful to be forgetting and forgiving than keep it to yourself for way too long.
It is useful to admit making a mistake.
It is useful to admit to being at fault.
What sort of a person are you?
Are you easy going?
Are you sensible enough?
Are you experienced enough?
Can you still admit to being a student?
Can you still admit to having a lot to learn, still and yet?
Can you still remain happy after being wrong and show your kindness instead?

Can you really?

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trust has to be earned and gained not expected.

Trust has to be earned and gained not expected.

Have you ever trust so deeply?
Do you trust yourself?
Are you a trustworthy person?
Does it take you a long to trust another human being?
Have your trust ever been shattered by someone?
Can you just simply trust and let go of the inner chatter?
Can we just trust and not think too much?
Can we just trust and believe everything works out great?
I trust you and I am willing to live with that.
I want to be trusted too so my actions and words speak accordingly then.
We can be betrayed in the past before, yet still willing to trust again and again.
Show the trust!
Speak the trust!
Act the trust!
Teach the trust!
Write the trust!
Behave the trust!
Live the trust.
Dream the trust.
Enjoy the trust!

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, 16 February 2019

Self care, self love.

Self care, self love.

Anything that makes you smile.
Anything that makes you happy.
Anything that puts a smile on your face.
Anything that makes you more human.
Anything that cares about your health.
Anything that takes care of your soul.
Anything physical.
Anything mental in a good way.
Your dreams.
Your inspirations.
Your ideas.
Your hobby.
Fun moments.
The memories that turned you into a person you are now.
The days you look forward to.
Your achievements.
Your hard work.
Your resting time.

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!