Friday, 25 August 2017



How often do you cook?
How good are you at cooking?
What are some things that you can cook?
What dish or food are you best at cooking?
Do you think you can cook better than your mother?
Who is a better cook, your mother or your grandmother?
Are cooking shows popular in your country? Do you watch any cooking shows?
What is the hardest thing to cook?
What are some of the advantages of cooking your meals at home? How about the disadvantages?
Is it important for husbands to know how to cook?
Does your father cook?
Who is the best cook you know?
Would you like to be a chef? Why?
If you had your own personal chef, what meal would you ask for most?
How hard is it to become a chef? What do you have to do to become a chef?

Do you enjoy cooking at all?
Do you usually cook for yourself only, or for other people, too?
How do you feel when you have to cook for just yourself and how do you feel when you know you are cooking for more people?
Do you like to experiment with your food/ingredients?

Have you ever tried something that you have never done before in regards to food?
Have you ever done something that you have never ever done before in regards to food?
Have you ever eaten something that you have never eaten before in regards to food/drinks?

Cooking should be a joy!
Cooking should be an enjoyment!
Cooking should be a hobby!
Cooking should be a pastime!

How is it with you?
What would you say?
Do you teach your children to be great cooks?
Cooking and eating should stimulate our body, mind, soul, heart!! There is no doubt about that!!!

Thank you for reading and your valuable time, as always!!!!!!!

Thursday, 24 August 2017



Do you know anything about the history of the computer?
Do you own a computer? What do you use it for?
Think about smart phones, like the iPhone. Do you consider them computers? Why or why not?
Do you think the desktop computer is going to become less popular in the future? If so, what will replace it?
Computers are starting to be built into new houses and apartments. Would you like a computer to control your house for you?
Do you think the invention and rise of computers has been a good thing or a bad thing? Why?
Talk about the first computer you ever used.
What will be the future of computers?
Do you think people rely too much on computers?
Do you think computers will ever be able to think for themselves or have “real” intelligence?
What do you think will happen if computers become self aware?
Talk about the differences between how you use a computer and children use a computer.

Computers are our future. Like it or not! They can help us in many ways, all the options and open and quite possible. I believe, in some way, slowly but surely we cannot imagine our lives without them.
Doctors can use them, many information can be put into them.
We can find anything on any search engine, for anything we need to know right now. Helping us at schools and at work!
They can do counting for us, in a speed of light! We can save our work there, we can we writing for hours and hours on, and, yet, our work will be there and we can slowly create our very own book, for example!
Children can play games on the computers as long as they are safe, and, most importantly, educational for them! For our future generations who will be using the computers any time, anywhere and for numerous reasons!

Do you remember your very first computer?
Did you have to learn about them at school or were you a self-learner?
What is your view on today's children and the way/reasons they have been using computers for?
Can we all be more safer on the internet/with the computers? What would be the ways?
Do you use computers often? What if you had to suddenly stop using them/working on them? How would you feel? What would you be probably doing instead?

Think about it!

Thank you for reading and your time!!!!!!



How is communication changing between people?
It used to be common to talk to strangers. Do you think it’s okay to talk to people you don’t know?
How often do you start up a conversation with people you don’t know?
Think about how your Grandmother talks with people. Is it the same as how you talk to people?
Use your imagination. How will people communicate in the future?
How have smart phones changed communication?
Name at least 10 forms of communication.
Do you think people can communicate with ghosts and spirits?
How has communication changed through human history?
What is the most basic form of communication?

A great communication is the key to every succesful and loving relationships.
Through good communication we can learn so much about ourselves and about others, too!

Do you know a great communicator in your surroundings who would be able to speak as well as listen to what others have and need to say?
Why would you call him/her such a person?

What qualities make a person a great communicator?
What characteristic traits make a person a great communicator?
What skills and abilities make a person a great communicator?

Could you say you are well capable of communication all of your needs?
Could you say you are well capable of communication all of your wants?
Could you say you are well capable of communication all of your wishes?
Could you say you are well capable of communication all of your dreams?
Could you say you are well capable of communication all of your aspirations?
Could you say you are well capable of communication all of your ambitions?
Could you say you are well capable of communication all of your goals?
Could you say you are well capable of communication all of your worries?
Could you say you are well capable of communication all of your 'problems' and troubles?
Could you say you are well capable of communication all of your questions and your answers?
Would you still like to get better at the skill of a great communicating?
What would you be willing to give up in order to get better at such a skill?
Have you tried that before??

Thank you for reading, as always, and your time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 23 August 2017



What is your favorite color?
Is color important to you?
Does color affect your emotions?
Imagine being in a room where everything is dark blue how would you feel? What if the room was red? Black? Yellow? Pink?
Why do you think colors affect humans so much?
Do you think that certain colors are only for boys or only for girls?
Which colors do guys usually like more? How about girls?
Why do you think there is a difference?
If you HAD to change your hair color, what color would you change it to?
Most electronics are either black, silver or white. Why do you think this is? Do you think we will have more colorful electronics in the future?
Colorful tattoos are becoming more popular in places like America. Do you think they will become as popular in your country? Why or why not? Would you ever get a tattoo? Why or why not?
Pink and purple are rarely worn by men in western cultures, why do you think this is?
If you bought a car, what color would it be?
Can you think of some examples of camouflage in daily life?

I believe colour and colours can ifluence our mood, and therefore, our life.
Each color has its own meaning, the feeling we get from it just by looking at it or having it around us, on our walls, the colour of our dress, the colour of our car, etc.

We like to wear our favourite colour and be surrounded by it wherever we go and whatever we do!

Perhaps even our favourite colour can change as we grow up and mature as a person and people.

How much would you say your favourite colour effect and influence your life and everything you do and say in your life, and can be connected to the people closest to you?

What makes your favourite colour your favourite colour?

Colour, music, writing, art, creativity, animals, laugh, passion, ability and skills all play role in our life. It depends on us, what meaning we are going to give to these!!

Consider these, please :)

Thank you for reading and your time!!!!!!



Do you like cities or the country side? Which is better and why?
You can make one change to your country’s capital city, what will you change?
What are some of most famous cities in the world? What makes them famous?
Why do you think that humans started living in cities?
Do you think that we will still live in cities 100 years from now?
How do you think cities will change in the future?
What city would you like to visit?
What city is best known for:
What makes a city great to live in?
Are cities good for the environment or bad for the environment?

I have been lucky to have a chance to be living in a city as much as in the village.
And I have also done my share of travelling.
I have been to many beautiful cities!
Every city has its own culture, it has its own history.
We may feel more connected to some cities, rather than the rest.
Is there a city that has taken you by its heart? What did it do? How does it make you feel?
And now, from the other side, what can we do in order to make a city or a village we live in more nicer, more safer, more beatiful, more animal-friendly, more cleaner, etc.?
Do you prefer living in a big and busy city or in a small and family-oriented village?
And most importantly, do you do you and your children feel saver living in the town, or in the village?
Which options could offer more possibilities for each, and what can we do to make it even more better and useful? More schools, more options for education, for parks, more playgrounds, more shops, for theatres, more cinemas, more cafes, or possibly more restaurants, more sports activities, more libraries, anything that can make it more enjoyable for everybody involved!

We can do this!!

Thank you for reading and your time!!!



Would you rather live in your home country or live abroad?
Would you rather be smart or beautiful / handsome?
Would you rather be poor and happy or rich and unhappy?
Would you rather marry someone plain with a good personality or someone beautiful without much personality?
If war broke out in your country would you rather flee the country or fight?
Would you rather be rich or famous?
If you had to lose one of your senses(sight, smell, hearing, touch, taste) which would you rather lose?
Would you rather marry a rich celebrity or a rich CEO?
Would you rather have a brand new Mac or PC?
Would you rather take a trip to a new country or get a new TV?

Choices that we make every single and each day.
Life would not be the same without making choices in there!
We make them every day, from the simpliest of all to the hardest ones, too!

What sort of choices have you already made today?
Which ones are you still going to make tonight?
And what about those that would make up your day tomorrow?

Would you recall your hardest choice?
What was it about?
Did you decide right, or have you regretted your decision, in the end?

Have you helped somebody with their decision making?
What about children? Do we give them a piece of our advise or have we been just guiding them on their way to find their very own path?

Like it or not, we will be always faces with decisions, with decision making of all kinds. Lots of times, we may feel unsure, we may feel lost, we may not know at all what to do now, and, not to mention, what to do next!

Is there a way to make sure the decision made would be the best one possible, at least, considering with all the information and resources we would gather at the time of speaking?

Could we put it all on the paper?
Write down all the drawebacks.
Put down all the advantages, disadvantages.
Rethink and reopen all that has not been said or even these that were, yet, look at them from the different perspective?!?

It is definitely worth a try, at least!

Thank you for reading and your time!!!!!!

Tuesday, 22 August 2017



What was the best thing about your childhood?
What do you miss most about being a child?
Do you think that children these days have a better or worse childhood than your generation? Why?
What do you think is most important for a happy childhood?
What about your childhood do you wish you could change?
Where did you grow up? How did that affect your childhood?
What were some of your favorite activities when you were a child?
Who, besides your parents, had the biggest impact on your childhood?
What do you want to provide your children that you didn’t have when you were growing up?
Who were you really jealous of when you were a child? Why were you jealous?
What was your experience at school like? (elementary, junior high, or highschool)

How would you describe your childhood?
Where were you growing up?
What sort of a parent would you like to be, if not already!
What example would you like to set for your children?
What activities would you like to do with them?
What activities would you like them to do?

I believe childhood is a very important and significant part of our lives.
From then on, lots of things have been already formed and are still in the process of forming!

There are many things that play a role and have an influence on ourselves as much as on our children, from the school, from the teachers they meet throughout their lives, from the interraction with other children and/or peers, from our collegue at work, from the people at our sport's team, from anybody that has made us a different person, our neighbourhood, from our education, from our experiences, our views on the world, animals that surround us, the way we think, we feel, we eat, we love, we care, we forgive, we have a patience, etc. Just to name a few!

Would you give and/or provide any advice for the next generation?
Would you do or say something different, if you only had a chance, again?
Would you study something else?
Would you live somewhere else?
Would you marry somebody else, instead?
Take a time to think....

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!

Monday, 21 August 2017



Are you someone who likes change?
In what ways have you changed since you were in junior high school?
How do you think you will change in the future?
Which political party in your country is most likely to make big changes? Is that a good or bad thing?
The only thing constant is change.” Do you agree with this statement? Explain.
What are the biggest changes in the world you have seen since you were a child?
What is the biggest change most people experience in their lives?
Is change good or bad for a person’s mental health?
What is the most positive change you have experienced in your life?
You are the same person you were 5 years ago except for the books you have read, the people you have met, and the places you have traveled.” Do you think this quote is accurate?

Change is inevitable.
We cannot escape change.
We are born from change.
We thrive and strive on change.
Change makes us grow.
Change makes us a diffirent person.
Change is here to stay!
Change is what keeps us alive!
Change is growing up.
Change is turning ourselves into a person/people we are meant to be and become!

Do you like change? Do you like when things change constantly? How do you feel about this? What if this was a change for the better? Or, on the other hand, what if the change was about something bad is going to happen to me?

But, what if change was happening for us and not to us?
What about changing the plans for the better, for even the better than we expected? The best!

Do you deliberately change the course of your life, for the best, for everyone involved?
We make changes, every single and each day! Little things, minor things, they seemingly may appear that they do not matter at all! Yet, with every single change, there comes an opportunity! If we improve something or even ourselves every day, make just some little changes to our image, to our household, to our relationships, to our eduaction, to our children, to the way we communicate with and to others, how would our life improve at the end of a year, lets say?! The time frame can be anything, and everything that we can measure, can also be improved!!

Try one today!
Try and see the results yourself!!

Thank you very much for reading and your time!!!!!