Wednesday, 23 August 2017



Would you rather live in your home country or live abroad?
Would you rather be smart or beautiful / handsome?
Would you rather be poor and happy or rich and unhappy?
Would you rather marry someone plain with a good personality or someone beautiful without much personality?
If war broke out in your country would you rather flee the country or fight?
Would you rather be rich or famous?
If you had to lose one of your senses(sight, smell, hearing, touch, taste) which would you rather lose?
Would you rather marry a rich celebrity or a rich CEO?
Would you rather have a brand new Mac or PC?
Would you rather take a trip to a new country or get a new TV?

Choices that we make every single and each day.
Life would not be the same without making choices in there!
We make them every day, from the simpliest of all to the hardest ones, too!

What sort of choices have you already made today?
Which ones are you still going to make tonight?
And what about those that would make up your day tomorrow?

Would you recall your hardest choice?
What was it about?
Did you decide right, or have you regretted your decision, in the end?

Have you helped somebody with their decision making?
What about children? Do we give them a piece of our advise or have we been just guiding them on their way to find their very own path?

Like it or not, we will be always faces with decisions, with decision making of all kinds. Lots of times, we may feel unsure, we may feel lost, we may not know at all what to do now, and, not to mention, what to do next!

Is there a way to make sure the decision made would be the best one possible, at least, considering with all the information and resources we would gather at the time of speaking?

Could we put it all on the paper?
Write down all the drawebacks.
Put down all the advantages, disadvantages.
Rethink and reopen all that has not been said or even these that were, yet, look at them from the different perspective?!?

It is definitely worth a try, at least!

Thank you for reading and your time!!!!!!

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