Monday, 21 August 2017



Are you someone who likes change?
In what ways have you changed since you were in junior high school?
How do you think you will change in the future?
Which political party in your country is most likely to make big changes? Is that a good or bad thing?
The only thing constant is change.” Do you agree with this statement? Explain.
What are the biggest changes in the world you have seen since you were a child?
What is the biggest change most people experience in their lives?
Is change good or bad for a person’s mental health?
What is the most positive change you have experienced in your life?
You are the same person you were 5 years ago except for the books you have read, the people you have met, and the places you have traveled.” Do you think this quote is accurate?

Change is inevitable.
We cannot escape change.
We are born from change.
We thrive and strive on change.
Change makes us grow.
Change makes us a diffirent person.
Change is here to stay!
Change is what keeps us alive!
Change is growing up.
Change is turning ourselves into a person/people we are meant to be and become!

Do you like change? Do you like when things change constantly? How do you feel about this? What if this was a change for the better? Or, on the other hand, what if the change was about something bad is going to happen to me?

But, what if change was happening for us and not to us?
What about changing the plans for the better, for even the better than we expected? The best!

Do you deliberately change the course of your life, for the best, for everyone involved?
We make changes, every single and each day! Little things, minor things, they seemingly may appear that they do not matter at all! Yet, with every single change, there comes an opportunity! If we improve something or even ourselves every day, make just some little changes to our image, to our household, to our relationships, to our eduaction, to our children, to the way we communicate with and to others, how would our life improve at the end of a year, lets say?! The time frame can be anything, and everything that we can measure, can also be improved!!

Try one today!
Try and see the results yourself!!

Thank you very much for reading and your time!!!!!

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