Monday, 31 July 2017

This or something better, this or something more!!

This or something better, this or something more!!

I believe we all have some dreams.
I believe we all have some aspirations.
I believe we all have some ambitions.
I believe we all have some goals to reach.
I believe we all have some targets to hit.
I believe we all have some wishes.

We hope that they come true.
We believe in them to come true.
We trust them to come true.
We want them to come true.
We wish for them to come true.
We aspire for them to come true.

What we do in regards to them coming to a realization is totally and absolutely up to us!

Meanwhile, we can all say over and all over again the following: 'This or something better, this or something more!'

At the moment, when our dreams and wishes and ambitions and aspirations and goals all come true!!

We can still imagine and envision and even 'pretend' how and what it is going to be like when this is going to happen and come into a reality.

We may even wish for some particular thing or a person, and so, nevertheless, something much more better might be in store for us, which we may not have realized yet!

We just need to trust the process, let it go and hope and believe in it!

We just simply must!!!!

Thank you for reading and your time!!!!!!!

Sunday, 30 July 2017

Heads Up, Hearts Open, Wings Spread!

Heads Up, Hearts Open, Wings Spread!

Should be a recipe for life, right!
For every situation.
For every occasion.
For every moment.
For every day.
For every season.
For every month.
For every year.
For every person.
For every week.

Everytime we face a challenge, we should go for it and jump right in with our heads up, hearts open, and wings spread!
Or else, there is no other way!

All way or no other way.
There is no way as an half way!

Doing things this way. And no way that does not work.
Giving it our all, our energy, our time, our patience, our talent, our skills, our lessons, and anything that we can think of!!

Doing it and hoping and believing and knowing and wishing and expecting it to happen.
When we really do feel and know that we give it all our all, and nothing else and nothing more, we can then only wait and hope to be received successfully and envisioning the great answer! We cannot be sad, we cannot be possibly disappointed. We have done our part, the rest is up to them. We cannot force them, as we ourselves would not be happy, in the end.

Try and see it for yourself!!
Any takers?
Any experiences?
Any thoughts?
Anything to say, at all?!

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!

the Sign.

the Sign.


    an object, quality, or event whose presence or occurrence indicates the probable presence or occurrence of something else.

Are you listening for the signs?
What could they be?
Have they helped you in the past in some way or the other?
Have you been looking for them?
Have you been obeying them and trusting their purpose, for you and those around you?
Knowing that they are there for you, and not against you?

Lots of people can rely on signs in their life.
We have been facing so many decisions in such short times and all we know is that we have to decide.
But, what would be the best decision to make? What path do we take? Which route are we going to go on?
We do need some signs in order to decide as best as we can and in the shortest time possible!

Can the sign be your favourite song playing at the right time?
Can this be a message, in any form?
Can this be falling something from the sky, and touching the ground?
And most importantly, do you believe in this? Have you had a great experience with this, or just the opposite?

In fact, this could be anything. Even though, for some it may sound silly and be a total nonsense, yet, for us and to us, it makes a perfect sense!!!

What about today?
Have you received any sign today already?
Was is helpful?
Have you used it for the advantage?
Have you been glad that it has been what it has been?!?

I hope so!!

Thank you for reading and your time!!!

Saturday, 29 July 2017

Would you agree or disagree?

Would you agree or disagree?

What would be the things you would agree with?
And what would be the things you would disagree with?

Would you agree with someone telling his/her opinion? Depending, of course, on what he/she is talking about...
would you agree with fairness?
Would you agree with healthy eating?
Would you agree with helping all children and animals?
Would you agree with selling things to someone we do not need any longer?
Would you agree with doing exercises?
Would you agree with keeping and maintaining a green environment?
Would you agree with saving our planet?
Would you agree with calling and face to face than any other means of communicating? Only, if there is no any other option, of course...

Would you disagree with someone stating the opposite opinion from what you believe in?
Would you disagree with hate, jealousy in an unbearing measure, with stealing, with telling lies?
Would you disagree with not cleaning after the mess?
Would you disagree with anybody doing anything hurtful and harmful, in words and in actions?
Would you disagree with any form of anything that goes against your rules and requirements, yet, still staying open minded?

We can even disagree with our partner and still appreciate them for the person who they are. That is life. That is living with another human being.

Having said that, yet, they will always be some things we would quite possibly never agree with, but!!!
They simply go against what we know being the truth, what we believe in, what we consider major, what we hope for, what we trust in!

Could you name a few things that you would agree with and then the things you would quite possible disagree with, for sure??

Thank you for your patience, your time and reading!!!!!!

always something on my mind.

always something on my mind.

My mind can work wonders.
Thousands and thousands of thoughts.
And all of them running wild in my mind. A day to day, daily, on a daily basis.
Are you also that kind of a person?
Your mind constantly working over time?
Thoughts regarding all the questions you have and you desire to know the answers for!?
And all the thoughts regarding to your life?
Can we silence them, at all, at some point?

Perhaps, we could slow down, we can start doing a different activity that would take our mind off the things we have been so thinking about so hard, for so long now?
Perhaps we can take a shower?
Perhaps we can take a bath?
Perhaps we can read a book?
Perhaps we can listen to a beautiful piece of music?
Perhaps we can make a delicious food?
Perhaps we can go to sleep?
Perhaps we can clean our house?
Perhaps we can just relax on the sofa?
Perhaps we can do some exercises?
Perhaps we can talk to a kind, loving and trustworthy person?
Perhaps we can practise yoga?
Perhaps we can paint?
Perhaps we can create a beautiful piece of art?
Perhaps we can write an article or a type a blog post?
Perhaps we can invite someone over?
Perhaps we can chat to someone without the need of leaving the house?
Perhaps we can surprise someone in a great and nice way?

The list could be obviously endless...
Our imagination has it all...

Go ahead and see for yourself!!!!!

Thank you for reading and your time!!!!!!!

Friday, 28 July 2017

What IF....

What IF....

What if you could fly?
What if you could be married?
What if you could sing?
What if you could dance?
What if you could speak all the languages in the world?
What if you could play with anything?
What if you could cook?
What if you could recognize the truth from the lie?
What if you could really love yourself?
What if you could solve the world's biggest puzzle?
What if you could create anything?
What if you could paint?
What if you could say 'yes' anytime you wanted to?
What if you could say 'no' anytime you wanted to?
What if you could create a song?
What if you could write a poem?
What if you could write a book?
What if you could just say 'I love you'?
What if you could type real super fast?
What if you could know the answers to all of your questions?
What if you could bake?
What if you could do more than you actually think you can do?
What if you could repeat yourself whenever you wanted to?
What if you could understand the language of all animals?
What if you could have your very own baby?
What if you could have your very own car?
What if you could have your very own house?
What if you could have your very own pet?
What if you could garden and notice all the beauty around you?
What if you could listen to anything somebody else says?
What if you could 'hear' someone's thoughts?
What if you could turn right, instead of turning to the left?
What if you could work for yourself?
What if you could turn back time?
What if you had one more chance to live?
What if you had one more chance to say 'sorry'?
What if you could chance anything you want to change in your life?

And any 'what if' could be applied here....

Remember, the words 'what if!'....

Thank you for reading and your time!!!!!!!

The company you keep.

The company you keep.

Who is in your very own company that you maintain and keep?
Are they your friends?
Are they lifting you up?
Or bringing you down?
How many of them can you see on a daily basis?
How many of them can you talk to every day?
How many of them do you meet daily?

Have you been learning something with them? What is it?
Or have you been teaching them something? What is that?

How long have you known each other, actually?
When did you meet?
Where did you meet?
How did you meet?

Have you been going through a certain stage?
Have they been going through a certain stage?
Have they helped you in some way or the other, ever?
Have you helped them in some way or the other, ever?

Being part of a company is great, yet, is that company helping us, or we helping and useful to them?

It is said we are almost the person like the five closest people we keep around ourselves. And that means on every level. Their thoughts may become our thoughts, their opinions and views might become our opinions and views.
As the time goes and passes by, this saying may become even more stronger and even more significant.
If you could name 5 of your closest people and friends you meet and interact on a daily basis, who would they be? How do you feel when with them and around them? What influence do you leave on each other? Would this be a good thing, or not such a good thing?!?

Let us take a moment and think about that, for a second....

Thank you for reading and your time!!!!!

Thursday, 27 July 2017

Where do ideas/inspiration come from?!

Where do ideas/inspiration come from?!

Where do you go to look for an inspiration?
Where do you go to get inspired?
What do you do in order to find an inspiration?
Who do you talk to in order to get inspired?

Inspiration is a very important ingredient and a very significant component in a healthy and happy life.
But, where do we go for it, to find it?
Can we buy it?
Can we imagine it?
Can we get any experience from it, and if so, what that would be?

We need an inspiration to write a book.
We need an inspiration to create a music.
We need an inspiration to write a poem.
We need an inspiration to write an email, a letter.
We need an inspiration to compose a beautiful piece of music.
We need an inspiration for life, so we can get up to every single each day and have a reason to do our work very well.
We need an inspiration to keep ourselves and stay healthy.
We need an inspiration in order to be able to help others.
We need an inspiration to take care of and look after babies, children, and animals.

Have you been out of inspiration for some time now?
Have you been creating a vacuum after vacuum of non-inspiration works of arts and stuff?
How can you do and make things to inspire others?
How can you be an inspiring person?
How can you create and build inspiration stuff for others to look at, to admire, to love, to adore?

WHAT IS THE WAY, actually?!

What if we look back at our life and see and draw an inspiration from the moments where we have been well inspired and overflowed with inspiration, and a bag full of inspirational stuff??!!

See, and do!

Thank you for reading and your time!!!!!

who is the boss of your life?!?

who is the boss of your life?!?

Nothing is ever going to change unless we do!
Nothing is ever going to change unless we move!
Nothing is ever going to change unless we decide!
Nothing is ever going to change unless we take an action!
Nothing is ever going to change unless we speak up!
Nothing is ever going to change unless we rise our voice!
Nothing is ever going to change unless we say so!
Nothing is ever going to chance unless we set a date!
Nothing is ever going to change unless we make a plan!
Nothing is ever going to change unless we make arrangements!

Things will not move until we move them in a way we want to!
Emails will not be sent until we hit/press the sent key!

I am sure you all know this from your very own experience.
Actions do speak louder than words!

Is there a decision in front of you that you are facing and have no idea what to do next, which path to take, how to decide, and how to go about resolving it in the shortest time span possible?
Can you put all the pros and cons on the paper?
Can you talk to somebody, anybody, for that matter, who has been through a similar situation, who has gone through similar thing and has been in the similar position you are finding yourself in and this person has been successful at dealing with this very thing?

Every single and each day we are being faced with decisions and their about going to make them!
Some people can really help us as long as we trust and open up and let them do the job of helping us!

We are responsible for every decision if we are over the age of 18, perhaps it could be even lower, at times.
We cannot blame anybody else for our 'bad' decision making if it happen to be so!
We simply take the full responsibility. And that is the way it is. Nothing is going to change about that!

So, what are we going to do about this today, tomorrow? And now??

Thank you for reading and your time!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

when the night is still young.

when the night is still young.

What can one do when there seem to still be a plenty of hours to finish up with the day?

Can we finally send that email?
Can we finally make that call?
Can we finally write and post that blog post?
Can we post an update on a social site?
Can we relax on the sofa for just a little bit longer than usual today?
Can we think of ways to improve our life?
Can we apologize if we have made a mistake because, after all, we are still humans?
Can we fix and/or mend something in our house?
Can we take the walk, the stroll?
Can we go to the theatre?
Can we go to the cinema?
Can we watch something interesting & entertaining on TV?
Can we finally finish that book we have been reading for ages?
Can we arrange a meeting with someone nice, kind and loving, funny, generous?
Can we plan our next holiday?
Can we book a ticket for something somewhere interesting?
Can we water the garden?
Can we spend just a little longer time cuddling and snuggling up with our lovely pet?
Can we clean our house, tidy up the rooms?
Can we ask somebody if they may use some of our help?
Can we go out running, jogging, doing any type of an exercise or a sport?
Can we go shopping for food?
Can we go shopping for clothes, possibly shoes?
Can we spend time cooking delicious meals for the next day and the following days?
Can we find a solution or can we at least think of a solution to our long term 'problem'?
Can we make babies??

Thank you for reading and your time!!!

Things we could not live without!!

things we could not live without!!

What would they be?
What things would be for you the ones you cannot live without?

Would that be:
  • electricity
  • water
  • significant other
  • children
  • air
  • food
  • exercise
  • books
  • music
  • friends
  • parents
  • cars
  • memories
  • technology
  • money
  • gas
  • clothes
  • photos
  • nature
  • animals
  • your hobbies
  • virtual world
  • your possessions
  • job
  • heating
  • light
  • any habit you have and refuse to give up?!

Can we make a compromise?
Are there some we actually could live without out??

Thank you for reading and your time!!!!!

Monday, 24 July 2017

the power of 'Yes', the power of 'No'.

the power of 'Yes', the power of 'No'.

The power of the word 'yes'!
The power of the word 'no'!

And this can be applied to yourself as much as anybody else in the world.

Have you ever said 'no' to yourself, even though you should have said 'yes' to yourself?
Have you ever said 'yes' to yourself, even though you should have said 'no' to yourself?
Have you ever said 'no' to somebody else, even though you should have said 'yes' to them?
Have you ever said 'yes' to somebody else, even though you should have said 'no' to them?

Pretty much there are occasions when we should agree with ourselves, we should give ourselves all that is good and healthy and makes us happy in the best possible way, without hurting anybody else around in the process, at the same time!

As well we should stop ourselves from doing anything harmful to ourselves or anybody else close around, anything that does no good, it is not good for us, it is not healthy and is not even capable of making us or anybody else around in the process happy, at the same time!

Would you be able to name a few of these or those occasions?
Would you be able to name a few of these or those moments?
Those that do not do any good to anybody?
And then, these that do a lot of harm to and for ourselves, as well as for anyone close to us or around, actually, any living being, for that matter?

I am sure, in these day and age, there are plenty to avoid.
And then, there are plenty we should enjoy, and celebrate, and be happy about and do more of!
Just imagine then, how would we live?
All our passions, all our cravings, all our desires would be met in the best way there is and for everyone involved!!!

Quite possible so!!

Thank you for reading and your time!!!!!!