Sunday, 30 July 2017

the Sign.

the Sign.


    an object, quality, or event whose presence or occurrence indicates the probable presence or occurrence of something else.

Are you listening for the signs?
What could they be?
Have they helped you in the past in some way or the other?
Have you been looking for them?
Have you been obeying them and trusting their purpose, for you and those around you?
Knowing that they are there for you, and not against you?

Lots of people can rely on signs in their life.
We have been facing so many decisions in such short times and all we know is that we have to decide.
But, what would be the best decision to make? What path do we take? Which route are we going to go on?
We do need some signs in order to decide as best as we can and in the shortest time possible!

Can the sign be your favourite song playing at the right time?
Can this be a message, in any form?
Can this be falling something from the sky, and touching the ground?
And most importantly, do you believe in this? Have you had a great experience with this, or just the opposite?

In fact, this could be anything. Even though, for some it may sound silly and be a total nonsense, yet, for us and to us, it makes a perfect sense!!!

What about today?
Have you received any sign today already?
Was is helpful?
Have you used it for the advantage?
Have you been glad that it has been what it has been?!?

I hope so!!

Thank you for reading and your time!!!

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