Friday, 28 July 2017

What IF....

What IF....

What if you could fly?
What if you could be married?
What if you could sing?
What if you could dance?
What if you could speak all the languages in the world?
What if you could play with anything?
What if you could cook?
What if you could recognize the truth from the lie?
What if you could really love yourself?
What if you could solve the world's biggest puzzle?
What if you could create anything?
What if you could paint?
What if you could say 'yes' anytime you wanted to?
What if you could say 'no' anytime you wanted to?
What if you could create a song?
What if you could write a poem?
What if you could write a book?
What if you could just say 'I love you'?
What if you could type real super fast?
What if you could know the answers to all of your questions?
What if you could bake?
What if you could do more than you actually think you can do?
What if you could repeat yourself whenever you wanted to?
What if you could understand the language of all animals?
What if you could have your very own baby?
What if you could have your very own car?
What if you could have your very own house?
What if you could have your very own pet?
What if you could garden and notice all the beauty around you?
What if you could listen to anything somebody else says?
What if you could 'hear' someone's thoughts?
What if you could turn right, instead of turning to the left?
What if you could work for yourself?
What if you could turn back time?
What if you had one more chance to live?
What if you had one more chance to say 'sorry'?
What if you could chance anything you want to change in your life?

And any 'what if' could be applied here....

Remember, the words 'what if!'....

Thank you for reading and your time!!!!!!!

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