Friday, 5 May 2017

The First Step.

The First Step.

When the decision is made. Nothing can ever come in the way!
To take the first step.
To take the leap of faith.
To trust in the process.
To go after your heart's desire.

Is there always the best time to do something or to meet somebody?
Is there something like destiny?
Is there something like fate?

Is there something like the perfect partner, or just a perfect someone for us?
Is there something like the perfect place, or just a perfect location for us?
Is there something like the perfect position, or just a perfect job for us?

Nobody can make a change for us, to make a decision for us, to take the first step for us.
Would we like to stay alone?
Would we rather live alone?
Would we prefer working alone?

Is there a need to speed up things, why is that and what for?
Is there a way around to not to believe in things that are not good for us?
Can we enjoy the dance in the rain, even if we are soaking wet?

All that I can hear all day long is trust in the process, all else will fall into place. Actions, however, speak louder than words. We all know that, been there, done that. Is there one way, the only way, the recipe, if you will, to show us what ingredients to take, how to mix, and how to stir, what to put first, and what to put next in the mixture, what temperature to turn the oven on with, how to make and create the most delicious and the most beautiful one, of anything?

Has anything worked for you, successfully? Or have you been still trying to conceive, to create, to make, to do, to take, to decide, to go ahead, to trust, etc.?

Thank you for reading and your time!!

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