Sunday, 30 April 2017

how much secret should we keep?

how much secret should we keep?

I have always ponder over this very question?
How much secret should we actually keep to ourselves and then how much secrets should we be willingly sharing with others?
I could not help but wonder, do you have and/or keep any secrets, at all? What are they? Would you be willing to tell others about them? If so, how would you start? If not, why not, then?
Would you like and rather to keep them to yourself?
Where is the line between telling the secret and not telling one?
Who might be the lucky person who can hear them from ours?
Have you ever shared a secret and then regret the telling right afterwards?
Or are you just about to tell the secret to somebody, about something really and very special to you?
Would you be really real about that? In your eyes, how real can you actually be?
What is your opinion? To tell the secret or to keep it a secret?
Have you been through the similar experience?
Anything that turned out bad?
Or would you like to be that kind of a person who has no secrets at all? What sort of secrets would you hide from certain people? What people? What secrets?
What do you think in your very own opinion, to go with the secrets widely spoken about or to have them hidden in the very back of the drawer?
Is it okay in the relationships of any kind to have and to keep the secrets to yourself? All of them, or just some? How do you think the other person may feel about this?

It may be said that we are the only human being who will ever know us the best. No matter what we may say or tell to the other person. Maybe nobody can ever be with us 24 hours a day for all the years of our life till the end. Or am I wrong?

I would be wondering how the both ways may work, for good, for better, for worse? What could be the best way to go about this, or is there a way at all? Anything that quite possibly work for all? Or just for some? Still wondering and really curious to know..
May we all find the way that works for us the best. Secrets or no secrets at all. Face it on our own, or with the secrets properly hidden or widely shown to the word...

Thank you for reading and your time!!

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