Thursday, 3 November 2016

Last sleep at da house...

Last sleep at da house...

Last sleep till the new chapter begins.

When one door closes, must there be one that opens, widely.

What are we going to dream about tonight, if anything at all comes along?

When moving brings itself about in your life, that appears to be a sense of not knowing what is coming next, where you will be heading this time, where you are going alone, when, with whom, under what circumstances?

Moving places, or houses, or even countries always brings a change, or two. Meeting new people, new neighbour, new places to see and to visit, perhaps even restaurant to eat at!

Something to look forward to, and nobody can tell who or what that is! Hopefully, that is the way in the right direction, perhaps new opportunities arise as well.

Some people may not like moving, even moving to places closer to them, or for a short time. Holidays may be perfect opportunities to try and see for yourself without the need to worry about to much stuff to take with them, not to worry about paperwork, or anything along those lines.

I have personally moved many times, living abroad has taken its toll, moving here and there, short term or long term. All the luggages, all the suitcases, all the books, all the music, all the photos, etc.

No more coming back to this place, no more sleeping in my bed, no more eating at the dining table, no more cooking in a lovely kitchen, no more relaxing on the sofa, no more going down and up the stairs, no more having showers in the bathroom. The garden will always be kept safely in my mind for ever!

Memories and all the happy moments that come with feelings and emotions.
Have you done any moving recently, or in the past that you can recall properly, to the very last minute?

I would love to hear that, please, share!

Thank you!! :-)

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