Sunday, 6 November 2016

a photo worth a thousand words

a photo worth a thousand words

We can go so far describing anything on the whole world and then someone can put a photo in front of us, without saying a beep and we know exactly. We know exactly what is going on, we know exactly what we are feeling, we know exactly what is the right thing to do or say.

Without saying a word, the picture can go deeper. The picture can describe the story that has never yet been written. The picture can tell the story that nobody has written about.

One fine spring photo, or a summer one, or fall covered in leaves, or white winter, they can all say much in just one quick look. Page after page and after page can be written about such photographes.

The beauty is in the eye of beholder. Who is holding the camera? Who is looking through the lenses? Who is spying the perfect picture object? Who is looking and searching for what he/she is finding right now, at the moment?

Who can see the little specs of beauty where nobody sees anything at all? Who can see everything around him/her beautiful when somebody else sees only darkness and dullness and emptiness?

There is a bit of beauty everywhere around us if we are only willing to go after it, search it and look for it and find it.

And here comes the part I like the best. To go and search for and find the beauty that seemingly looks as if there is no beauty at all. To find always something beautiful in ugliness, to find something beautiful in that which is broken, what is half done or undone, that is unfinished, that is incomplete.

To find a piece of beauty in a vase that is broken on the left bottom, yet it still remains beautiful, to find a beauty in a woman who does not feel beautiful at all, or a man or a child, or a chair or a table or a plate.

We should always do that, we should always aim for looking for something beautiful and gorgeous in every single and each day!
Even the words have their own energy.
Let's see what we can do today and tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Just to go ahead, look and find it!

Thank you for reading!!

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