Sunday, 22 November 2015

And it rained, and rained and rained all day long... free falling! What are you afraid of?

And it rained, and rained and rained all day long... free falling!

What are you afraid of?
It is said that we should ask the person we care about the most 3 questions: the first one is, What are they afraid of?, and the second and the third questions I do not really recall right now, but that is not a point. 

So, what are you afraid of?? About what, about who... you ask? 

This person's answer does say a lot about him/her.

When we are not afraid of much, we honestly do not care of the rest, either. Why would we? 


Have you asked this very question yourself yet?

Being afraid of something means that you care, and you do care!

What am I afraid of myself?!

I am afraid of so many things... for instance: I am afraid of the feeling of unfairness. Should I embrace it? Definitely!

What else is there? I am afraid of loneliness. I am afraid of being terminally ill, of being unable to explain myself, of losing my 'voice', of not being heard, of not being able to help those I love and care about most, I am afraid of not being understood, of of of...

And yet I want to dance, and laugh and live,,,,.

I am pretty sure there are many more things to be afraid of. What is the lesson here, though?

There is no day that passes by when I do not THINK of my cat.

And it tears me apart and it breaks my heart. 

Ask me, how many times?

Should we take it all in as a part of life?

Life is not easy, most of you would agree with me, I believe! 

Every single one uf us may have a slightly different view on things, of course! The point is to learn about it, about its existence. 

What are we all scared about and of?

We all are, that is for sure...

But what is the main idea behind this all?

To me, in my opinion, it is here to wake us up, to feel the need to change and/or accept this, perhaps. To realize something, to realize the fact. 

Maybe we should get up and get going?

For something more that goes and is beyond us? Think and think hard again!

Something that is bigger than us!

Something that should teach us a lesson, most definitely. And something else there in between. We live therefore we feel therefore we care therefore we are afraid of stuff, etc. ...

Should we avoid it? Not necessarily. Not being afraid of anything at all? Is there a reason to this all? What could this be? What could this possibly be?

We can go back and forth and think again and hard. We could stand up to it and face it! And as strongly as we could possibly stand!

That's work in progress. 

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