Monday, 23 November 2015

16 lessons a.k.a. The life on the wheels.

16 lessons a.k.a. The life on the wheels.

Many of us may have encountered an experience of staying and living in a hostel at some stage in our lives in one way or the other. 

Good or bad. 
Funny or embarrassing. 
Wild and free, and/or stale, plain boring and simple.

And I have had the privilege (and the pleasure) of doing just so. 

By the time I came to and was getting close to my stay here in the hostel, as I was nearing my end of it..

I have noticed and I have been a witness, of course, to a couple of things, here and there, such as:

I have lived for over 73 days in one stretch, all in one go, in the hostel. 

I have changed the rooms, too! How many times: 3 times? 18 mix dorm, 12 dorm. You name it!
    1.  As we get older, we seem to and we tend to cherish our privacy more, washing your very own clothes in the nearby laundrette becomes a norm.
    2.  We are all in this together, every single one of us, no exceptions there, indeed!
    3.  Savour the little moments as they last the lifetime. And then all over again. 
    4.  Be grateful, at all times. 
    5.  Be open-minded.

    6.  Be friendly. A friend may turn into a foe, a foe may turn into a friend. 

    7.  Be all smiles all around.

    8.  Don't burn all the bridges behind you.

    9.  We make friends from all over the world, basically on a day to day basis.
    10. You could even make more friends in a couple of days that you would have ever met in a year time! In a span of a year.
    11. We may even perhaps become more like introverts if not already, or perhaps extroverts? Who knows?!
    12. Never ever take anything and anyone for granted!! Hot/warm water might not be available for you the next morning...

    13. Basically, rules go out of the window. Do I need to say more?

    14. You may or you may not enjoy doing the little things for somebody else, rather than yourself.
    15. You get to know your very person at the weirdiest times of times possible... really & truly.

    16. You also begin loving and appreciating people around you more.. or less for that matter!

What happens inside you stays there, or not?

You get to have interesting conversations on a daily basis if only and when you are willing to open up enough to do so with people from all walks of life and all ages!

Would you know of anything else that could do it for you? You know the moment when you feel like enough is enough. There is a huge need to start over.

All in all, I have come to a conclusion that it is what you make of it, after all. It has always been that way. Simple as this, or as difficult as that. 

Fast forward up to now, and I am finding myself in a completely different situation.

If I knew better, what would I do? Would I change anything?

I would love to hear about your experience.. Are there any recalls? What were the drawbacks, if any, at all?

Please, let me know in the comments below. And thank you!

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