Friday, 23 August 2013

Everyone is SCARED!!

Everyone is SCARED!!

Surprise, surprise!!

You are not alone as everyone else is scared also.

Everyone around you is fighting his or her own battle.

Everyone craves for an attention.

Everyone wants to be seen.

Everyone wants to be heard.

Everyone wants to be listened to.

Everyone cries out for a kiss.

Everyone cries out for a hug.

Everyone cries out for snuggle.

Everyone cries out for a cuddle.

Everyone wants to be wanted.

Everyone wants to be needed in every way possible and even unimaginable.

We crave to be loved and we are here to give our love away. We are here to learn about the love and to embrace every single part of its meaning.

Yet, we are so damn scared. We are scared of everything. We are scared of being rejected. We are scared of being laughed at. We are scared to face our challenges or even certain people. We are scared out of our pants to go after our dreams in case we fail and we do not succeed. What the people around us will think of us? What are those people going to talk about with their neighbours? We are scared of taking examinations. We are scared of texting somebody in case she or he does not feel the same way about us as we do toward them. We may even be scared of going on trips on our own. We are scared of being lonely and left totally and completely alone. We are scared of our solitude. We are scared to put ourselves on the line. We are scared of losing our money. We are scared of losing our possessions one day. We are scared of having an accident.

We are scared of sending out our job applications. We are scared of closing the book deal. We are scared of even making decisions. We are scared of losing the battle with fight with our cancer. We are scared of eating too much. We are scared of eating just too little. We are scared of losing our children to drug abuse. We are scared of hitting the road with the wrong person. We are scared of getting pregnant. We are scared of getting/being/staying drunk. We are so scared that we stop living our life. We are scared of speaking our minds out. We are scared of sending out that card. We are scared of pushing the partner’s hot buttons. We are scared of sending out that letter. We are scared of sending that email.

We are scared of dreaming and of dreaming a lot and of dreaming often and of dreaming wild and of dreaming free and of dreaming passionately. We are scared of talking about our feelings. We are scared of speaking about our emotions. We are so scared that we would rather remain stuck in the house all day long, every single each day. We are scared to face the truth and laugh at it. We are scared to look ourselves into our very own eyes. We are scared of laughing out loud. We are scared of dealing with our difficulties and our problems and our challenges on a day to day basis. We are scared of burning our food. We may be scared of afraid of spiders, aeroplanes, other people, elevators, you name it.

We are scared of chatting to someone and tell him or her about what we think of them, how we see them, how we cherish them, what beautiful creatures they are to us.

We are scared of posting op that song of ours in case someone would be translated in the wrong way.

We are scared of losing that very person we have been fighting and going after for such a long time.

We are scared that one day our loved one will lose an interest in us.

We are scared of being sick and not being able to go to work.

We are scared of not waking up one day in the morning.

We are scared of so many things that we are even scared to think about them all.

We are scared of being sick and tired to the point of being sick and tired of being sick and tired.

We are scared of being bored. We are scared of having no real friends to play with, to have a laugh with, to have a pint with, to share our worries with, to share our joys with.

We are scared to be challenged too much every day.

We are scared of questions.

We may be scared of animals.

We are so freaking scared of the fact that we may be ugly and too small and too big or too stupid, or even too smart or too wise or too tall, or too clever or too travelled, or too rich or too poor.

I am scared. You are scared. We both are scared. Every single person on the face of the earth is scared.

Are we better off being scared?

Are you or me better than the next person sitting or standing next to us?

Are you or me better off with long hair or a short hair or a no hair at all?

Are you or me better off with this person or with the other person?

Whose life would you like to live?

Are we even scared of answering all the questions mentioned above? Why is that?

Can we admit to ourselves that we are truly and fully and honestly scared of many, many things over and over again?

What is the scariest thing of all things?

Can you dare to conquer it?

Can you deal with it?

Can you handle it?

Do you need somebody’s help?

Would you need somebody’s advice?

Would you need to build yourself up first?

Can you muster all of your worries, and scary things that run through your mind?

Do one thing every day that scares you!!

Thanks, but no thanks!

You do your math!!! J

Thank you very, very much for taking the time to read!!

(1010 words)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm not scared.... I embrace questions.... I think people are afraid to ask the questions though....

  3. Yes, I love questions and I love asking them!! :-)
