Thursday, 22 August 2013

Being in the flow........

Being in the flow........

What does being in the flow actually mean?

What does it take to get into a flow?

Have you ever experienced the state of being in the flow?

What does it mean to be in the zone?

Have you ever been engaged in an activity that the time literally stood still for you?

Have you ever lost completely the track of the time?

What gets you up and going the first thing in the morning?

What brings the juices inside you flowing wildly?

What is the greatest passion of yours?

What brings you the most joy?

What brings up the smile on your face?

Can you put the finger on it?

Can you name it?

Can you describe it?

Can you categorize it?

Can you put a name tag on it?

Can you deliver it at its best price?

I may or may not have written an article on this very subject or a similar topic of its kind before. Perhaps one of the reasons might be the fact how important this really in actuality is.

This very state of mind and this very state of being has many names and titles under which it has been shown before.

I have had profound experiences of my own about this. The times when I have been so engaged in a very activity I was doing or making or producing and acting upon.

How does reading a book work for you? Could you get yourself inside the heads of all the characters involved in the story? Could you relate to specific situations in the story? Would you be able to finish the book in a day from cover to cover? Would you be surprised at the time when you are finished reading?

How about making music? Could you go on and on without looking at the clock? Could you go a song after song and still never get tired of it? Would you play a tract after track of others and keep on commenting and appreciating their work of art? Would you be able to make music without the need to even go to bed to sleep, or without the need to eat any food at all? How many songs and tracks and tunes would you be able to absorb completely and immensely and immediately?

What about painting a picture and or a portrait? Is there any need for a break whatsoever? Is there a need for any sleep at all? Would you let you imagination go completely wild and free and crazy and mad and rebellious? Are you able to appreciate the art of others? Would you go and attend a gallery full of portraits of much more knowledgeable and experienced artists? How often do you change your palette? How often do you change your paint brushes? Do you only use the best equipment?

What about any sports activity? Are you a fan of any sport for that matter? Are you a massive fan of outdoor sports? Are you a huge fan of indoor sports? How often do you engage in this activity? Do you completely and utterly lose yourself in the game? Do you own the best gear of all gears there is in the world? Are you passionate about this almost that you cannot breathe if the day goes without you not being and acting on your favourite sports of all? What gets your adrenalin up and running and spiking crazily high? Do you enjoy a company of people interested in similar activities or would you rather prefer working out alone on your very own? Are you into summer activities and or sports or are you more or less a winter type of a person? How long have you been into your sport’s activity? Have you already won any prizes and or medals?

What about movies and theatres and performances? Are you bit of an actor? Are you bit of an actress? What would you the ideal movie/ a film that you would so love and wish to star? What sort of performance would you like to act in? Would you be interested in a making and performing your art in a musical? What film star is your role model? Who could be your guru? Who could be your mentor? Do you enjoy watching television? Do you regularly visit cinemas and or movies and a theatre?
What else could there be for a person or for anyone for that matter to get out of bed and get totally immersed himself or herself in an activity that passionately engages all of his or her senses on every level imaginable or even unimaginable? What pushes you out of your day each and every single day of the year? What would you be willing to do without the need to be paid for it? What would you love to volunteer in and still remain happy and contained? What would you be willing to do or be seen doing anyway without the need of an approval or without the need of anyone telling you to start off with this very project?

And once more again: What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?

There are numerous activities we could possibly engage ourselves in.

There are also numerous activities that could literally bore us to death, to waste, to nothingness, to total and massive emptiness.

How well would you like to spend your life?

How well do you want to spend your life?

And now how bad do you really, really want it all to have in your possessions?

How hard are you willing to work?

How much are you willing to pay?

How far are you willing to go?

What are you willing to sacrifice in order to live the life of your dreams?

The person in question made yet another attempt yesterday. I am stoked. This person of mine deserves my attention and I am going to do my part that is for certain! J

(1004 words)

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