Monday, 15 July 2013

how to start all over again ??

how to start all over again ??

How do you start all over again?

Have you done this before?

How did you start all over again from scratch?

How do you get up, how do you dust yourself off and go after your dreams all over again?

How do you contact the other person after your first date?

How do you reach out to the other person after a break up?

How do you reach out to the other person after a misunderstanding has occurred?

How do you reach out to the other person and apologize to him/to her?

How do you reach out to the other person and say you are sorry to him/to her?

How do you connect with the other person after a long time no talk?

How do you start a conversation with the other person you have just met?

How do you engage with somebody in a deep, meaningful, intense conversation?

How do you embrace all the difference one has?

How do you celebrate your successes with someone?

How do you celebrate all the successes of someone?

How do you know someone is being honest with you?

How to start all over again after someone has betrayed you?

Where do you pluck again all of your courage?

Where do you pluck again all of your strength?

Where do you go to unwind?

Where do you go for an inspiration?

Where do you go for a piece of advice?

What is your story like? Is it a happy one? Or is it a sad one?

Did you have to get yourself up and running again?

Did you dust yourself properly the last time you fell down right on your face?

Did you learn something, anything in the process, at the meantime?

Did you apply some of what you have learned the last time in your current life you are currently living and enjoying and experiencing and reaping also the benefits for your future, for your time in the very near future?

Did you make the same mistake again? Did you repeat the heart break again?

How do you know that the action has a sense, any sense at all for that matter?

How do you know that the action has no sense at all?

How do you know that the person is meant to stay in your life for a long time, at least?

How do you know that the person is meant to leave your life immediately, at the latest?

How do you judge a person?

How do you judge a situation?

How do you decide who is right?

How do you know what or who is wrong?

Who are we to say what is right and what is wrong?

How can we possibly come to a conclusion at all?

How can we possibly solve any challenge at all?

How do you go about solving this darn thing you are experiencing right now at this point in your life?

We are exactly at the right time and in the right place in our life at the moment. 

Nothing more and nothing less.

We have got to take ourselves, take what we love doing, take what we have, with the resources available to us and from the point where we are currently finding ourselves in.

If life hands you lemons, make a lemonade!

If life hands you a chocolate, make cookies!

Maybe, just maybe, you should meet this person again?

Maybe, just maybe, they are doing their very best with all that they have got, with the knowledge they have enquired.

Maybe, just maybe, he/she deserves a second chance.

Maybe, just maybe, you deserve a second chance.

Maybe, just maybe, there is more than what only meets the eye.

Maybe, just maybe, there is more than what only meets the ear.

Maybe, just maybe, there is more than what only meets the mouth.

Maybe, just maybe, there is more than what only meets the nose.

Could you, perhaps, look a little deeper?

Could you, perhaps, look for a bigger picture?

Could you, perhaps, search for a greater meaning?

Could you, perhaps, look forward to a solution?

Could you, perhaps, find a bigger purpose?

Could you, perhaps, search for a greater vision?

Could you, perhaps, find a grander version?

What reasons do you need in order to get back into a game?

What reasons do you need in order to get back onto a playing field?

What reasons do you need in order to get back on a track?

Not to decide is the making of a decision in itself.

What would be the paradox here?

Can you, perhaps, take 2 steps back in order to move one step forward?

Is this a friendly or a hostile universe?

Are the challenges made to break you, to put you down, to bend you over, to hurt you?

Or are all of your challenges made to lift you up, to build you up, to make you stronger, to make you smarter, to make you grow, to make you stop and think?

The life is not about how many times you have fallen down.

Have you given up?

The life is about falling 8 times and getting up on the 9th of them.

Could you make it happen?

Could you make it real?

Could you go after it?

Could you achieve it?

Facing your fears and standing for what you believe is one of the most profound things there is to be existed.

The fruits of the labour after you have done what you were supposed to be doing, are the most sweetest.

As long as you are breathing, you are still in the playing field. You still have a chance, you still have an opportunity to knock everything down, to blow the socks of the other person in question.

Until there is no time, there is always time. There is another chance, there is one more opportunity, there is another shot, there is one more go of yours!!

(1001 words)

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