Sunday, 14 July 2013

Free Everything….

Free Everything….

What are the things in life that we could call and take for free?

Are there any at all?

What would be the favour?

Would you do something for free?

Who would you do it with?

Is it possible at all?

What price do we have to pay for enquiring them?

How much would they cost us?

What would be their price tag?

Would you volunteer your time?

Would you volunteer your efforts?

Would you volunteer your ideas?

Would you volunteer your money?

Would you volunteer your resources?

Would you volunteer your clothes?

Would you volunteer your food?

Would you volunteer your drinks?

Yes, of course, there is a saying that goes like this: ‘Nothing in life is for free.’ ‘Nothing in life is free.’

We need to work on it. We need to work at it. We need to work hard. We need to be strong. We need to be smart. We need to be quick. We need to be sharp. We need to be clever. We need to be fast. We need to be resourceful.

Today, I have been helping a lot and meeting some nice and very interesting people.

Just the memory of someone, just someone remembering you, that is for free.

Just giving someone a compliment, just because you want to, that is for free.

Just giving someone one of your lovely smiles, just because you feel like it, that is for free.

Just giving someone one of your sweet kisses, just because you really want to, that is for free.

Just giving someone one of your nice, warm, long hugs, just because you really want to, that is for free.

Just giving someone a piece of advice, just because it is the right thing to do at that very moment, in this very place and just because you really, really want to, that is for free.

Just sending someone a text message saying that you have been thinking about them, that they have been missed by you, just because you so much feel like doing it, that is also for free.

Just sending someone a postcard from your country, just showing and letting the other person know how much they mean to you, just because you care and just because you have a strong bond with this very person and just because you have both share the same feelings towards one another, yes, that is for free, too!

Just giving someone a lift home from a long journey, just sitting next to someone in the car, just listening a music together with them, just holding them, just thinking about them, just being with them, just enjoying their company, just hugging them, just touching them, just laughing with them, just smiling at them, just because you cannot help but do just that, so that is also for free!!

Just thinking about your sister, your brother, your family, your mother, your father, your pet, your cat, your dog, your uncle, your aunt, just talking with them on the phone, just being with them and chatting to them via skype, just sending them an e-mail, just reminding them of how wonderful people they are in your eyes and all, just thinking about them on their birthday, on their anniversary, just cherishing the moment, just because you must do it and the day would not go without you not doing it and not experiencing it, that is so simple and yet profound and, of course, that is so for free!

Just typing something away and giving it away to somebody, that is for free!

Just making and cooking a dinner for somebody, that is for free!

Just painting a picture and denoting it to your favourite charity, that is for free.

Just making a music and sending a copy of this very track, of this very song, to somebody who means a lot to you, that is for free.

Just feeding ducks at the pond, that is for free.

Just feeing fish at the pond, that is for free, too.

Just listening to somebody’s problems and challenges and obstacles and worries and stresses, that is for free.

Just providing someone with your helping hand at any given time and at any needed time, that is for free.

Just stroking someone on their hair, that is for free.

Just holding somebody’s hand, that is for free.

Just tapping somebody on their shoulder, that is for free.

Just giving somebody a cheek on cheek kiss, that is for free.

Just showing up on time when arranged with the friend, with the relative, with a soul mate, with your family member, just respecting their own pace, their own space, their own timetable, their own inner clock, their own personality, that is for free.

Just remembering and repeating and saying somebody’s name, that is for free.

Just remembering and repeating and saying somebody’s birthday/anniversary, that is for free.

Just apologizing to somebody, just because you want to be good rather than right at every single time, that is for free!

Just listening to children’s stories, just listening to children’s imaginations, just listening to children’s dreams, just listening to children’s fairy tales, just listening to children’s babbling, just listening to children’s worries, that is so and so and so for free!!

Just commenting and posting it on somebody’s wall, that is for free.

Just liking somebody’s article and showing your appreciation for it, that is for free.

Just not ignoring somebody’s needs and wants and desires, that is so amazingly for free.

Just helping somebody cross the road, that is for free.

Just baking something for somebody, that is for free.

Just cleaning a house for somebody, that is for free.

Just babysitting for somebody their child or children, that is also for free.

Just give up a seat for somebody on the train, a tram, that is, yes for free and always will be.

Just answering somebody’s question, a comment, an enquiry, a door, an e-mail, a text message, a link, a website, that also must be free. Yet, it certainly is………

(1013 words)

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