Thursday, 6 June 2013

Totally and absolutely and utterly mind blowing……

Totally and absolutely and utterly mind blowing……

What the expression ‘mind-blowing’ represent to you?

Would that be something so magnetic?

Would that be something so majestic?

Would that be something so magic?

Would that be something so fascinating?

Would that be something so extraordinary?

Would that be something so awesome?

Would that be something so amazing?

Would that be something so cool?

Would that be something so wonderful?

Would that be something so great?

Would that be something so magnificent?

Would that be something so nice?

Would that be something so fantastic?

Would that be something so super?

Would that be something so superb?

Would that be something so special?

Would that be something so significant?

Would that be something so important?

Would that be something so warm?

Would that be something so precious?

Would that be something so touching?

Would that be something so dear?

Would that be something so sweet?

Would that be something so loving?

Would that be something to near to you?

Would that be something so close to you?

The fact is and the fact still remains we are the creatures of our journeys, we are the creatures of our life. What we put out comes back to you, comes back to us.

We can make our life literally mind blowing.

We can make our journey literally mind blowing.

We can make our jobs literally mind blowing.

We can make our experiences literally mind blowing.

We can make our opportunities literally mind blowing.

We can make our friends literally mind blowing.

We can make our children literally mind blowing.

We can make our spouses literally mind blowing.

We can make our houses literally mind blowing.

We can make our cars literally mind blowing.

We can make our wives literally mind blowing.

We can make our husbands literally mind blowing.

We can make our journeys to and from work literally mind blowing.

We can make our speaking literally mind blowing.

We can make our writing literally mind blowing.

We can make our singing literally mind blowing.

We can make our walking literally mind blowing.

We can make our swimming literally mind blowing.

We can make our talking literally mind blowing.

We can make our listening literally mind blowing.

We can make our friendships literally mind blowing.

We can make our relationships literally mind blowing.

We can make our meals literally mind blowing.

We can make our food literally mind blowing.

We can make our drinks literally mind blowing.

We can make our books literally mind blowing.

We can make our reading literally mind blowing.

We can make our typing literally mind blowing.

We can make our exercises literally mind blowing.

We can make our sleeping literally mind blowing.

We can make our hobbies literally mind blowing.

We can make our music literally mind blowing.

We can literally make anything we ever conceive in our mind totally and absolutely and utterly and amazingly mind blowing.

What else is there you would wish and you would like to see going totally and absolutely and utterly and amazingly mind blowing?

Is it us afraid of a change?

Are we just simply unable to cope with the realities of life?

Could we just for our own sake make up our minds, just for once, maybe, that this and that is going to be mind - blowing?

What can totally blow your mind away?

Would that be a person?

Would that be a place?

Would that be a food?

Would that be a drink?

Would that be an exercise?

Would that be a piece of music?

Would that be a piece of poetry?

Would that be a smile?

Would that be a laugh?

Would that be a child?

Would that be an email?

Would that be a piece of an advice?

Would that be a message?

Would that be a song?

Would that be a piece of art?

Would that be a photograph?

Would that be a picture?

Would that be an article?

Would that be a car?

Would that be a bicycle?

Would that be a hobby?

Would that be a job?

Would that be a plane?

Would that be a trip?

Would that be a boat?

Would that be a friend?

Would that be a spouse?

Would that be a wife?

Would that be a husband?

Would that be a student?

Would that be a teacher?

What about mind blowing sex?

What about mind blowing sex with someone you are totally into?

What about mind blowing sex with someone you are so in love with?

What about mind blowing sex with someone you so much adore?

What about mind blowing sex with someone you love unconditionally?

What about mind blowing sex with your soul mate?

What about mind blowing sex with your twin mate?

What about mind blowing sex with your flame mate?

What about mind blowing sex with your partner?

What about mind blowing sex with your life time best friend?

What about mind blowing sex with your life long companion?

What about mind blowing sex with your long term boyfriend?

What about mind blowing sex with your long term girlfriend?

What about mind blowing sex with your sweetheart?

What about mind blowing sex with the very person of your dreams?

Is this all and more even possible and even imaginable? Yes, you bet it is.

And all that and more it is only a product of our mind. It is as close or as far as your mind will dare to lead you, or as your mind will let you leave you alone.

What would be your choice?

What would be your pick?

What decision are you going to make?

Are you going to enjoy the ride OR are you going to suffer through the consequences of your choices?

It is as easy or as difficult as deciding whether to go out and do some exercising and stretching or rather stay in and watch television all day long and do stretching on the sofa (= no stretching at all!) and eating junk food!!

Make a mind blowing decision NOW!!

As a man thinks, so is he.  

(1021 words)

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