Friday, 7 June 2013

Please, Please make it work!!!!

Please, Please make it work!!!!

Have you ever felt this way before?

Imagine… you have been dreaming of something happening to you, you may even have been dreaming of a certain person and you wanted it to happen, to make it real, to come into reality, so badly, so diligently, so much, so desperately, so willingly, so unstoppably, you just simply could not possibly see it going any other way than the one you were hoping for…

Now, step into shoes and imagine that the things have shifted. The things may not go exactly the way you wanted them to go, you have hoped for them to go, you have predicted for them to hopefully lead, the things may go so wrong, the things may go so awry, the things may go so sideways, the things may go so in the opposite direction, the things may go so unwanted, the things may go so out of control.

What would you do then?

What would be your port of call?

Would you say and repeat over and over and again and again as a mantra:

‘Please, please make this work’?

‘Please, please make this work’?

‘Please, please make this work’?

No matter what you do, no matter what you say, no matter what you feel, no matter what you desire, no matter what you wish for, no matter what you think, no matter what you want, no matter what you speak of, no matter what you tell, no matter what you sing, not matter what you write about, no matter what you compose, no matter what you sense, no matter what you crave for, no matter what you are made of, no matter what you are hungry for, no matter what you cry about, no matter what you dream about, no matter what you pray about, no matter what you declare, no matter what you type about, no matter anything at all as a matter of fact, you still want this to continue, to go on and perhaps never ever stop.

Somewhere, deep down inside you have this nudge, this special kind of feeling, almost like being connected to the source, something you have never ever felt before, it feels nice and awesome and crazy all at the same time. However it also feels scary and unusual in its own special way, as if something was about to happen and you have no idea whatsoever what that is going to be. Yes, it is unknown, the scary part and the scary bit. The very part that makes us grow and learn and develop and evolve and embrace and celebrate and enjoy, etc.

Then stop that and do that right now or else I am going to grab you and shake some life out of you!  Metaphorically, tongue and cheek speaking, of course! J

Very deep down inside you just simply know and feel and sense that this is going somewhere.

Very deep down inside you just simply know and feel and sense that this is going to be fun.

Very deep down inside you just simply know and feel and sense that this is going to be exciting.

Very deep down inside you just simply know and feel and sense that this is going to have a reason for it all.

Very deep down inside you just simply know and feel and sense that there is going to be a big enough reason behind it all.

Very deep down inside you just simply know and feel and sense that there is a meaning behind everything happening outside of you and all.

Very deep down inside you just simply know and feel and sense that there is a good enough answer behind everything happening outside of you and all.

Very deep down inside you just simple know and feel and sense that there has to be more to it all.

Very deep down inside you just simply know and feel and sense that you have been playing your part perfectly and in a way it is supposed to be and to go.

Very deep down inside you just simply know and feel and sense that you could also be the answer to your questions. Actually you know this one pretty much well, you know this one to be authentically true.

Very deep down inside you just simply know and feel and sense that you could be the one who could make the difference to it all. Right now and right here.

Very deep down inside you just simply know and feel and sense that you hold the key in your hands. Just to unlock it.

Very deep down inside you just simply know and feel and sense that there has to be more to it all and even more.

Very deep down inside you just simply know and feel and sense that there has to be a secret to it and only you can find the solution, the clue, the resolution to it all.

Very deep down inside you just simply know and feel and sense that you just wanted it to go right, no matter what.

Very deep down inside you just simply know and feel and sense that this may be the end of a long term suffering, of the never ending pain, the start of something new, fresh, good, great, refreshing, loving, sweet, nice, happy, grateful, smiley, aromatic, aesthetic, electric, wonderful, amazing, awesome, etc.

The story is still open, you may or you may not see the light at the end of the tunnel, or at the end of the darkness. Nevertheless, the fun is to be had, the trip is going to be enjoyed, the steps are going to be taken, the lessons are going to be taught, the teaching is going to be given.

You are open - minded.

Your heart is sweet and loving and open.

You want this to go right, whatever way that is.

You want to smile again and laugh again and be happy again. NO MATTER WHAT!!!

(1007 words)

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