Tuesday, 30 April 2013

sometimes it is kind to be cruel

sometimes it is kind to be cruel

The statement above may be perceived in many ways if we were only going to consider just the expression ‘sometimes’, whereas the expressions such as ‘always ’ and ’never’ are ultimatum that we may set ourselves against.  ‘Sometimes’, however, leaves us with the options, the possibilities, another ways, other opportunities, another chances, another routes, other roads to take. To me, it seems obvious to point this out and thus avoid any confusion, misleading and misunderstandings. It clearly says and states that this could or could not be happening under certain conditions and circumstances as they may come up.

When we talk, speak and think of cruelty of any sorts, does that mean, does that include, does that consider, does that apply to, does that count also with traits such as honesty, openness, willingness to care enough, opening up, showing appreciation in ways that may or may not hurt the other person, telling the true and only true, being truthful under any and every circumstance, going against the rules, avoiding all the shoulds and should nots, musts and must nots, oughts and ought nots, etc etc? How do we differentiate between cruelty that may be seen by others as hard, harsh, violent, as being brutally honest, being totally open, etc etc?

Writing on and about a certain topic requires concentration and attention, clarity, stability and purpose, a reason big enough to pull it all off right from the beginning to the finish line. That is the case for this and any other subject / a topic for that matter. What would the writer’s / author’s perspective on any given such title be? Would you go with a common sense, would you count on your experiences, would you rely on your intuition, gut feeling, instincts, hunch? What would make it the focal point of your writing? With what would you start?

Would you consider telling the white lie to be cruel? How would you go about describing it to someone, perhaps to a child, who has never heard it before, someone who has never experienced that before, someone who does not grasp the right, the correct meaning, a concept of the word? How would you express yourself creatively yet still remain philosophical and mysterious, sophisticated, witty, clever and smart, and funny, hilarious and spontaneous, simultaneously, all at the same time? A task to be done by a skilled and experienced writer, a blogger, an author? I truly believe everyone is capable of expressing yourself in his own creative way. Whatever that is. And still it would do.

To close it off for today, what you yourself perceive as cruel in your eyes is up to you. If you are willing to go a step further and face/accept consequences and the realities of your actions without blaming anyone around, without behaving childishly and foolishly, considering anyone involved with the best in mind for the purpose to benefit others, what else is to gain and what else is to lose? And, of course, the opposite also works the other way around. Your choice. Your pick.

Decide wisely.

(522 words)

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