Sunday, 28 April 2013

500+ words (and more counting!)

500+ words (and more counting!)

This is actually going to be my first journey into the concept of writing a certain number / amount of words.

It is a try, a feel, a sensation, a vibration, a feeling, a conscience effort, a pleasant task as it is.

Practice makes perfect, right? The more you do it, the better and the easier it gets, the better you get, the more experienced, the more knowledgeable you become.

What shall I write about? Shall I just babble and rumble about and around about sweet nothings and/or would I actually dare have the courage to speak out my mind and heart that may sometimes, of course, be full of confusion and messiness OR would I rather decide that my post may actually be a refuge for some lonely soul out there? How would I decide? What would make me help decide? What would make more sense? What would make a greater difference? What would be a better approach? What would make a larger impact on you in the shortest time possible and for the largest audience out there I may have touched in one small and simple yet profound and new or the other way?? Would my real complaining be of any use to you, to anyone  for that matter? Would that help? Would that change a thing? Oh, now I can clearly see and truly state that the 500 hundred concept may not work for me as I previously thought. I NEED more!!! More space to tap into.  I want more to satisfy my hunger, to satisfy my cravings and to hopefully accomplish satisfying some of the ravings of others. Awesome. I am nearly half way there and I have not even begun talking/writing about and digging out the real stuff. The real meat. The raw food. That is what matters most! I am liking it more and more the more I am doing it, and enjoying myself. It must be an addiction of some sort. That is why it is called an addiction. In the case of my entry, this must surely be a kind of a good one as it feels good and does not seem to hurt or touch another human being. Or does it? Whose problem is it? Whose challenge would that be? Mine or the next person? Hmmm, a good question to consider and to ponder over. Is my head mixed up? Maybe a little. Never mind. I am having a ball here. I am having a big time! Once people get used to something that they have never done before, the momentum gets involved, the activity becomes a second nature to them and a habit. The comfort zone shrinks and lowers deeper down. And the person’s individuality widens and grows.

So as I am slowly, yet certainly and confidently reaching my today’s quota, I must really say how happy I am and how grateful I feel for everything and for anyone and also, yes, for that special someone who has showed up in my life recently and make a slight havoc there for a bit…..
(520 words)

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