Tuesday, 30 April 2013

sometimes it is kind to be cruel

sometimes it is kind to be cruel

The statement above may be perceived in many ways if we were only going to consider just the expression ‘sometimes’, whereas the expressions such as ‘always ’ and ’never’ are ultimatum that we may set ourselves against.  ‘Sometimes’, however, leaves us with the options, the possibilities, another ways, other opportunities, another chances, another routes, other roads to take. To me, it seems obvious to point this out and thus avoid any confusion, misleading and misunderstandings. It clearly says and states that this could or could not be happening under certain conditions and circumstances as they may come up.

When we talk, speak and think of cruelty of any sorts, does that mean, does that include, does that consider, does that apply to, does that count also with traits such as honesty, openness, willingness to care enough, opening up, showing appreciation in ways that may or may not hurt the other person, telling the true and only true, being truthful under any and every circumstance, going against the rules, avoiding all the shoulds and should nots, musts and must nots, oughts and ought nots, etc etc? How do we differentiate between cruelty that may be seen by others as hard, harsh, violent, as being brutally honest, being totally open, etc etc?

Writing on and about a certain topic requires concentration and attention, clarity, stability and purpose, a reason big enough to pull it all off right from the beginning to the finish line. That is the case for this and any other subject / a topic for that matter. What would the writer’s / author’s perspective on any given such title be? Would you go with a common sense, would you count on your experiences, would you rely on your intuition, gut feeling, instincts, hunch? What would make it the focal point of your writing? With what would you start?

Would you consider telling the white lie to be cruel? How would you go about describing it to someone, perhaps to a child, who has never heard it before, someone who has never experienced that before, someone who does not grasp the right, the correct meaning, a concept of the word? How would you express yourself creatively yet still remain philosophical and mysterious, sophisticated, witty, clever and smart, and funny, hilarious and spontaneous, simultaneously, all at the same time? A task to be done by a skilled and experienced writer, a blogger, an author? I truly believe everyone is capable of expressing yourself in his own creative way. Whatever that is. And still it would do.

To close it off for today, what you yourself perceive as cruel in your eyes is up to you. If you are willing to go a step further and face/accept consequences and the realities of your actions without blaming anyone around, without behaving childishly and foolishly, considering anyone involved with the best in mind for the purpose to benefit others, what else is to gain and what else is to lose? And, of course, the opposite also works the other way around. Your choice. Your pick.

Decide wisely.

(522 words)

Sunday, 28 April 2013

500+ words (and more counting!)

500+ words (and more counting!)

This is actually going to be my first journey into the concept of writing a certain number / amount of words.

It is a try, a feel, a sensation, a vibration, a feeling, a conscience effort, a pleasant task as it is.

Practice makes perfect, right? The more you do it, the better and the easier it gets, the better you get, the more experienced, the more knowledgeable you become.

What shall I write about? Shall I just babble and rumble about and around about sweet nothings and/or would I actually dare have the courage to speak out my mind and heart that may sometimes, of course, be full of confusion and messiness OR would I rather decide that my post may actually be a refuge for some lonely soul out there? How would I decide? What would make me help decide? What would make more sense? What would make a greater difference? What would be a better approach? What would make a larger impact on you in the shortest time possible and for the largest audience out there I may have touched in one small and simple yet profound and new or the other way?? Would my real complaining be of any use to you, to anyone  for that matter? Would that help? Would that change a thing? Oh, now I can clearly see and truly state that the 500 hundred concept may not work for me as I previously thought. I NEED more!!! More space to tap into.  I want more to satisfy my hunger, to satisfy my cravings and to hopefully accomplish satisfying some of the ravings of others. Awesome. I am nearly half way there and I have not even begun talking/writing about and digging out the real stuff. The real meat. The raw food. That is what matters most! I am liking it more and more the more I am doing it, and enjoying myself. It must be an addiction of some sort. That is why it is called an addiction. In the case of my entry, this must surely be a kind of a good one as it feels good and does not seem to hurt or touch another human being. Or does it? Whose problem is it? Whose challenge would that be? Mine or the next person? Hmmm, a good question to consider and to ponder over. Is my head mixed up? Maybe a little. Never mind. I am having a ball here. I am having a big time! Once people get used to something that they have never done before, the momentum gets involved, the activity becomes a second nature to them and a habit. The comfort zone shrinks and lowers deeper down. And the person’s individuality widens and grows.

So as I am slowly, yet certainly and confidently reaching my today’s quota, I must really say how happy I am and how grateful I feel for everything and for anyone and also, yes, for that special someone who has showed up in my life recently and make a slight havoc there for a bit…..
(520 words)

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Common sense is NOT so common!!

Common sense is NOT so common!!

Well, there you have it!
Or something like that!
Yes, I have said it!
More or less.

What is acceptable and what is not acceptable to you?

Would you consider eating huge amounts of chocolate?

Would you eat a pizza, even if it was of a vegetarian version?

Too much alcohol, no coffee, no smoking, no drugs, …..

This is all no brainer for me. My mind is very closed here.

How about overindulging in certain activities?

What about you as a personality, your character, your traits, your flaws?

Where and when would you draw the line?

What would be your limitations? How would you know?

When and where would you stop?

Would you have enough willpower? Enough common sense? Enough self-determination? Enough self-confidence? Enough self-discipline?

Because at the end of the day, it is all about you, you are going to be the only one to face yourself in the mirror…. 

What do you see? 
What would you say? 
What would you do?

Friday, 26 April 2013

From Jeff and Me to YOU (Everyone should write a book)

From Jeff and Me to YOU
(Everyone should write a book)


Everyone should write a book. Why?

Because it's hard. And everyone should do something hard at some point in their life. That's what shapes our character and makes us appreciate the things worth doing.

Because it'll humble you. Writing a book (which is hard) will make you see things in yourself — your writing, your worldview, your weird way of expressing ideas — that you didn't otherwise notice. 

Because it'll kill your cynicism. It'll give you a newfound respect for other authors and the work they do. In fact, if everyone became an author, we wouldn't have professional critics. Just a community of people who cared enough to speak up.

Because it'll teach you about yourself. Flannery O'Connor said she didn't know what she thought about something until she read what she said. I'm inclined to agree.

Because it's the best way to share an idea or story that matters. And if it matters to you, maybe it'll matter to others (no guarantee, though).

Because the book you write is better than the one you dream of writing. Most people have a dream of writing a book but never realize it. Not because they can't or don't know how, but because they're afraid. Because an unrealized dream is safer than an action that could fail.

Of course, not everyone WILL write a book. But you could. And maybe you should. 

Not so you can become a best-selling author or get heaps of praise. But so you can make something and share it with the world.

So you can say you did something hard, something that humbled you, that helped you care and become more self-aware, allowing you to share an important idea.

Because while there may be too much noise in this world, we can never have too many people who care.

Thursday, 25 April 2013



Be humble, meek but NOT weak!!

As we get older, as we mature, as we grow, as we learn more about ourselves and about the world around us, as we evolve, as we embrace all and everything there is, as we teach ourselves the lessons necessary on our journey, the more, the easier, the quicker we realize how being still wins on all fronts. 
Would you argue with me?
Challenge me…..

The less we speak, the more we listen, the more we learn.

The older, the wiser you get, the more quitter you should become.

You only see a reflection of yourself in the water that is still and peaceful.

Life is a gift that gives us an opportunity to give something back by becoming more!!!

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

The Numbers’ Game

The Numbers’ Game

The Numbers’ Game

The Law of Average
The law of averages is a lay term used to express a belief that outcomes of a random event will "even out" within a small sample.

The principle holding that probability will influence all occurrences in the long term.

 A law affirming that in the long run probabilities will determine performance.

The Law of Averages is a layman's term used to describe the belief that the results of any given event "work out" or "even out" over a set of trials in the short run.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013



Ø Do you ever give second chances to anything, to anyone?

Ø Were you ever given a second chance by someone? What was the occasion?

Ø Are you a believer in giving second chances?

Ø Are you a fan of giving second chances at all?

Ø Is there a reason, whatsoever, to be giving and to be given a second chance?

Ø What are cons and pros of giving and being given a second chance?

Ø What are your very own experiences of giving and being given a second chance?

Ø Have you asked someone for, have you prayed to someone for giving you a second chance? Did you succeed? Was it a success? What objections did you use? Did it work? What was the reason? How did you feel about the whole situation?

We, as people, are human beings. We are not human doings. We are here to evolve, to grow, to learn. We definitely are not perfectly manufactured machines who work all the time, every time, under every circumstance, under every condition. We are perfectly imperfect and in that we can find our very own PERFECTION.

Being imperfect is a human trait that we are here to learn about, to embrace, and to appreciate, and so forth.

Sometimes, we may have tendencies to achieve almost humanly unachievable, and then we blame ourselves right afterwards for failing short and big. We tend to go for nearly unreachable, nearly unattainable, and nearly impossible. 

Now, please, do not get me wrong here. I am all for reaching high up into the stars, shooting and reaching for the moon, for having high standards, for setting goals, for going after them, for reaching them, for succeeding in whatever pursuit we set ourselves against.

The point I am trying to make and to have come across to you is that we ought to be setting ourselves for success and not for the opposite which seems to be happening quite often, more often, that is. No one ever dares to set himself / herself up for a failure. NO, that does not feel good, that does not feel right, that does not feel well, that does not feel correct, in any case!!

So why do we do this to ourselves in the first place?

The reason is apparently easy and a simple one. On a conscious level we may get the facts straight, we may understand all the basics. However, on the more subconscious level, where more of our programming is happening and going on, we obviously cannot help it, we cannot help ourselves from sabotaging all that we have worked for so hard and diligently, willingly and persistently.

How to get out of the rut then?

How about we start off by understanding and appreciating our human imperfection. We all make mistakes. Some of us sooner, some of us later. However, at one stage or the other, the mistakes are going to be made and we have only to blame but ourselves for making them. The same applies, of course, to our fellow human beings. How we learn about and from those mistakes, what we try to focus on and concentrate on, what we will take from the whole experience is up to us, only.

Certainly, there may be times when we are not at fault. Never the less, even under this situation, there is some learning and perhaps teaching to be done and to be taken care of.

Just the understanding of the whole concept is not enough. We need to take action.


Perhaps we need to be given (or to give to someone) a second chance?!

What do you think of that?
What would you say to and about that?
What is your taken on?
How your life would  be/ or not be affected by this?

Let me know!

Thank You!! :-)

Monday, 22 April 2013

Catch 22

Catch 22

catch-22 is a paradoxical situation in which an individual cannot or is incapable of avoiding a problem because of contradictory constraints or rules. 

Often these situations are such that solving one part of a problem only creates another problem, which ultimately leads back to the original problem.

Catch-22s often result from rules, regulations, or procedures that an individual is subject to but has no control over.

1.   A situation in which a desired outcome or solution is impossible to attain because of a set of inherently illogical rules or conditions.

2.   The rules or conditions that create such a situation.

3.    A situation or predicament characterized by absurdity or senselessness.

4.    A contradictory or self-defeating course of action.

5.   A tricky or disadvantageous condition; a catch.

6.   A situation in which a person is frustrated by a paradoxical rule or set of circumstances that preclude any attempt to escape from them.

7.   A situation in which any move that a person can make will lead to trouble.

8.   A frustrating situation in which one is trapped by contradictory regulations or conditions.

9.   Any illogical or paradoxical problem or situation; dilemma.

10.               A condition, regulation, etc., preventing the resolution of a problem or situation; catch.

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Find a way over, under or through it all!! :-)

Find a way over, under or through it all!! J

·        How many challenges do we encounter on our way to success?

·        How many obstacles do we need to overcome on our journey through life?

·        How many of them are real barriers?

·        How many of them do we need a help of someone with?

·        How many of them can we manage to resolve ourselves?

·        How many ways of solving those can we possible think of, come up with?

·        How many times have we tried?

·        How many times have we asked?

Life has its own ways of throwing tasks and curves on our journey at the least expected times by us. How we go about solving them, our attitude towards them, is all that matters. Are we going to be reactive rather than proactive? What steps are we going to take in order to achieve, in order to succeed? Are we going to complain or are we going to appreciate the situation we find ourselves in and look for a solution, search for a learning lesson that surely lies somewhere in the middle of our ‘challenge’? Those are all questions we should pose to ourselves, no brainer. That is an easy stuff, huh? Although we all know the basics, are we really taking actions and the necessary steps, are we really doing what we are ‘supposed’ to be doing?

There is always a way to go over….

There is always a way to go under….

There is always a way to go through….

There is always a way!!

Good Luck with whichever way you choose…!!!!!

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Life Cycle

Life Cycle

·       Spring

·       Summer

·       Autumn

·       Winter

Where are you currently finding yourself at the moment?

Is it:

Spring time… Are you at the beginning, just starting out?


Summer time… Are you enjoying your hard work?


Autumn time… Are you harvesting the fruits of your labour?


Winter time… Are you preparing for the next season?

Nothing lasts.
Everything is changing a state / a form, evolving, growing.
There is no in between.
This too shall pass.

For every season there is a reason.

Are you looking for the best in every season, in every way possible?

Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly and leave the rest to Fate / Karma / Luck / Destiny, ….

Friday, 19 April 2013

Carpe Diem.

Carpe Diem.

It means Seize the Day.

ü What are you doing in order to make the best out of your day, day by day, on a daily basis?

ü Are you using your gifts to your best knowledge, to your best advantage, with your best skills, with your best abilities?

ü Are you using your brain power to its highest maximum?

ü Are you giving?

ü Are you living your life to its full potential?

ü Are you living your life to its fullest?

ü Are you smiling?

ü Are you happy?

ü Are you content?

ü Are you friendly?

ü Are you grateful?

ü Are you helping?

ü Are you helpful?

ü Are you shining?

ü Are you appreciative?

ü Are you giving hope, a helping hand, an advice, benefit of a doubt to others?

ü Are you providing services to others?

ü Are you doing random acts of kindness?

ü Do you believe in others?

ü Are you giving more than you are receiving?

ü Are you being a leader / or a follower?

ü Are you making someone’s life better?

ü Are you being a nice surprise to others and to yourself, too?

·         Enjoy the present, as opposed to placing all hope in the future.

·         Used as an admonition to seize the pleasures of the moment without concern for the future.

Blog to you again very soon!!