Friday, 8 February 2013

Wearing MASKS

Wearing MASKS

§  Have you ever experienced someone, anyone, as if they were wearing a mask while with you and then put on another mask when talking to someone else??

§  Why is that?

§  Are you sometimes being that person?

§  What is the reason behind it?

§  Is there something, anything, to hide?

§  Is there something, anything, to hide from?

§  How can you prevent it from happening it again?

§  Are you willing to do something, anything, about it?

§  Are you aware of doing it at all?

§  Can you go into details and identify what the real root of the problem is?

We come into a contact with many people during the day, and during our life time, of course.

We meet people and speak to them at work, during lunch break, at social gatherings, at meetings, at the gym, in the library, at school, at reunions, on holidays, etc. etc.

Why does it seem that we are using different ‘voice’ or ‘behave’ differently while meeting and talking to our employer in comparison to our friend or a family member?

Now, of course, we are not including here emotions and any other relation – based feelings we may have feel toward a specific and special person.

What I am referring to here is the one and only word that makes it very special, unique, individual, precious and that is:


Hmm. What do I mean by that?

We are each unique individual beings who each possess certain characteristic traits and have values that rule our lives based on the decisions that we make.

We all have faces that we would like the world to perceive us as such. We all strive to leave a mark in the world and on the face of the earth.

Sometimes, however, we may slip into thinking that we are not good enough, that we are not loved enough, that we are not pretty enough, that we are not smart enough, that we are not athletic enough, that we are not talented enough, that we are not successful enough and fill - in – the - blank enough!!

In doing so, we tend to ‘pretend’ that we are someone else. Someone who the world would accept as good enough, loved enough (if there is such a thing!), pretty enough, smart enough, athletic enough, talented enough, successful enough, etc. etc.

By thinking as such and behaving like that, we put on difference faces and masks that ‘temporarily’ cover up our own very insecurities and ‘lacks’ (!?) or lack thereof!

Never the less as you may have guessed it, that does not solve the problem permanently.

What we should do instead and I would highly recommend that we all do is to act as if we already are in the possession, as if we already have and do what we secretly dream of being, having and doing!

Being frank, honest and open about ourselves, about our vulnerabilities, about our insecurities, we are becoming authentic to the world around us and most importantly being authentic to ourselves!!

Now, how does that fit with your world and your way of living?! J

If you encourage one person each day, you’re day hasn’t been a waste. It’s been a blessing.

Please, leave a comment, feedback, anything that your mind has conceived. Thank you ever so much!! J

Good Luck!! 


  1. sweet miss Lucie, your thoughts bring light to a world in the dark.Thank You so much for joining my blog. the rat
