Tuesday, 5 February 2013

The Thrill of the CHASE

The Thrill of the CHASE

o   Have you ever experienced the thrill of the chase / hunt?

o   How did it feel?

o   Did you like it?

o   Have you been experiencing it recently?

o   Are you experiencing it at the moment?

o   If so, how does that feel to you?

o   Who are you after?

o   Who is chasing you?

o   Are you chasing someone?

o   Are you enjoying yourself?

o   Are you having fun chasing someone and / or being chased?

o   What is it that excites you so much about chasing / hunting?

Males vs Females

There are differences between females’ and males’ viewings of the game of chasing. Women tend to be the ones who have been chased after by men who do the chasing! It is a game of love, of longing, of wanting, of desiring, of needing, of wishing, of craving, of being hungry for someone, of being starving for someone, of raving, of stimulating our impulses, of intense sensations, …

Giving & Receiving

The ability / the skill of giving and receiving belong to us all. Men and women.
There has to be a balance between the two. We cannot be constantly giving, giving and giving without receiving a thing back in return. The same applies to receiving. We need to receive, receive and receive in order to give something back to someone in return and keep the balance in check at the same time as well.

Product vs Services

Women provide services and men provide products. Woman is the provider of love, warmth, caring, attention, ‘home’, childcare, housework, cooking, cleaning, gentleness, affection, a listening ear,  happiness,  …
Man is the provider of resources to and for his woman. From financial stability, house(hold), a car, property, a garden, shed, dinners, eating out, cinema and movie tickets, theatre performances, to coming and returning back ‘home’, time, strength, a shoulder, an arm, a listening ear, …

In our lives, we may regret things we did not do, rather than those that we did do!!

What are you making out of your life?

What is it going to take?

What is it going to be and feel like to You?

Please, let us know here….

Thanking you very much in advance!! J


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