Friday, 31 August 2012



This is a BIG Topic.

Forgiveness is the gift you give yourself! If you are holding onto your resentment for someone, that someone has still power over your life!

It takes a special and mature person and courage to be forgiving.

No one can make you inferior, unless you give them the permission to do so!

Forgive everyone AND yourself!

There is nothing good in being unforgiving. Just the feeling after you have just forgiven someone, just the moment after you have done this, it is worth everything you’ve got! When you release it, more options begin to open up right after that for you! There have been written many, many, numerous and countless books, articles, etc. on this subject. And rightly so! Seminars are being held that help people and give them enough strength and courage to go and forgive others. I believe the majority of illnesses are based on and have roots in holding resentment and grudges and in non-ability to forgive! Do yourself a favour and ‘get rid of’ that what you do not need! Your life will become ‘lighter’! Do not carry all that unnecessary ‘junk’ that all it does is slow you down!

If you think of it, what else the unforgiving attitude is going to bring you but stress?? I assume THIS IS the last thing on your mind and a to-do list for you to aim for! I realize I may be speaking very ‘general’ here.. But YES! It actually applies to anything! Do not make a big deal out of nothing! Do not be tempted to make a mountain out of a mole hill! J It is just simply not worth your time, effort, energy. If you put garbage in, you will eventually get garbage out! Resist being the one who has the last world! Not a very good trait and attitude to possess! Most of the time the person you are not willing to forgive for whatever reason has not clue whatsoever that you have been hurting since the ‘accident’! Have you ever thought of that?? There are, also, many ways how to approach it and deal with it to bring you on the path of forgiveness. Choose the one that works best for you! I encourage you to overcome the BIG EGO OF YOURS and forgive someone who you should have forgiven ages ago OR the first person who has wronged you today!

o   Have you forgiven someone today??
o   Are you being forgiving??

Just do it!! J

Thank you for your time and attention! Much, much appreciated!

Tuesday, 28 August 2012


LAUGHING!!!!! – MY favourite topic to write about J

ü  Exercise,
ü  Breathing,
ü  Laughing,
ü  Smiling,
ü  Physiology,
ü  Yoga,
ü  Meditation,
ü  Loving,
ü  Being Happy,
ü  Being Cheerful,
ü  Being Joyful,
ü  Being Grateful and more!

Ø  We sing not because we are happy, we are happy because we sing!!

Ø  We cannot smile and feel ‘not so good’ at the same time!!

Ø  Smile is the most beautiful thing on every person!

Ø  It takes just as much energy to be happy and smiling as it takes to be upset and angry. Being upset may feel better at times, but being nice will get you farther.

Ø  Decide to be happy each day! It is all in your attitude. You have got to have the right perspective.

Ø  Laugh, laugh, laugh daily!! And keep smiling every day. It may take some getting used to it but the rewards are worth it! Your life will never be the same again.

So… Laugh Our Heads Off! Seriously!! Let us laugh our heads off. Now, let’s put them back on again.

Thank you and you know what to do! J

Friday, 24 August 2012



Clarity is the power!


Act as if (you already know, have, are)!

What would you do if you knew you could not fail ???

What is your heart’s greatest desire? Are you willing to go for it? Listen to your intuition.

I have 2 passions right now at the moment in my life and I am concentrating on them every single each day. And I am moving one step further to fulfilling them and making them my reality, daily. I can see clues everywhere I go because I look for them!

When you know exactly what you want, when you are clear about what you are after, your brain will lead you to the people, situations, places, circumstances, opportunities, events that will help you to achieve your goals. This is called RAS (google for more details!).

Writing down your goals is very helpful in that that it says: Hey there, look here, he/she means it!! Better go to work and keep at it! This person knows what he/she wants and goes for it!

  • ·         If you cannot manage 1 scope of ice-cream, how are you going to cope with 2 scopes??

  • ·         If you did not know what you wanted to achieve in your life, how would you know when you get there?

  • ·         Model the behaviour yourself, the one you want to see in others! It will rub off on them!

  • ·         What you resist – persist!


Please, share here with others about what YOU ARE AMING AT NOW.
Thank youJ
Be back in a couple of days again..
All The Best

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Be the change you want to see in the world!

Be the change you want to see in the world!

Walk your talk! Be an example! Every single day!

Where shall I focus my thoughts right now??

  • ·         Would you like to have more love in your life – give more love!

  • ·         Would you like to have more passion in your life – give more passion of yours away!

  • ·         Would you like to have more friends in your life – be more friendly!

  • ·         Would you like to have more money in your life – why not share 10% of your income with those who need it most?!! It shows you there is more than enough for everyone! Ah, you don’t have any money.. Go and give away some of your free time!

  • ·         Would you like to have more energy in your life – get off the sofa and keep moving! (that is, also, by the way, the greatest antidote to stress!!)

Our children do not learn from what we say but we teach them (they observe and watch) by what actions we take.
Are you actually doing what you are preaching OR are you just providing/doing a lip service to it instead??

  1. Feed your mind and body on a regular basis with the wholesome news and food. What goes in, comes out. Do not bring in any junk food!!
  2. Find a role model who inspires you, make an action plan and go ahead and implement it!
  3. And finally, help someone out who is in need of help. It teaches your brain how grateful you should be and feel!!

Start small. No need to start off BIG. But, make sure, YOU DO START!!

Make it your habit which then turns into being your destiny!

Aim to be the Best Possible Version of Yourself! 

Thank you for reading! :-)

Friday, 17 August 2012



Never ever, ever, ever give up!!
(That pretty much sums up everything)

Falling down is NOT a failure; staying down there IS !!

Have you ever given up on anything in your life? Well, I guess, who has not?

In my case, I have noticed, the older I get, surprisingly, the braver, bolder, courageous and stronger I get. Oh yeah..... :-)

Every day is a miracle and we are meant to treat it that way. 

This day has been given to you for a reason. Make the best of it! 

  • We are breathing,
  • we are still in the ring, 
  • we are still on the playing field, 
  • we still have a chance to make a difference. 

When one door closes, another one opens for you and me. 

Do not be discouraged, by anything and anyone! Everything happens for a reason. Keep looking and searching for the good in things and you and I will surely find them. Find the benefits in the obstacles!

Did you know that your first hour after awakening is going to set you up for the rest of the day? How are you going to be 'set up'?!? You realize you have 2 choices here; so you may as well decide to be happy for the rest of the day and life. Your and my days our like pieces of the jigsaw puzzle that only we hold in our hands. 

What won't break you, THAT will make you stronger. If all days are 'perfect' and 'easy', well, then, we are going to get bored.

There is no such a thing as a coincidence. 

Look for the signs and your life will unfold right in front of your eyes. I know.

This journey is always under constructions.

It is always a work in progress. 

Good LUCK!

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Soul Mate(s)

Soul Mate(s)

I have met him. Yes.
I know He was my Soul Mate Love.
He is my Soul Mate.
I adored everything about our 'collision'. All ups and downs and more and all in between!

To me, meeting this person felt like coming home, coming back from where I came and I was meant to return to at the end. Feeling I have never felt before and ever since. At last. And finally.

And embrace it. Well, my soul anyway.

He has influenced me in many ways and provided me with open questions about myself as a person and as a woman that only I can know the answers to! And I made sure he knew! I thanked him. I realize that it is all a matter of timing. 5 years from now…

Now, we all have soul mates. They are all around us. And to some, it may be a surprise – there can be more than one. You may have heard the saying that goes something like this – there are people who teach us a lesson or two, they are also people who stay with us for a season AND there are people who stick with us for a lifetime, too!!

Your task is to differentiate and find out who is who.

I believe my soul mate finds his way, whatever it is. If he did, that would be all well and good. If the opposite was the case, then I did not miss out on much…, did I??

Go out there and keep looking for your soul mates. No one is an island. We are meant to socialize and enjoy each other’s company. Relationships are the second most important aspect in your life. Start by loving and knowing about yourself (that is the first most important thing you do in your life) in order to attract and commit to others!

Loving one another is our reason, our purpose for living!

And hey you there, you know who you are – I really, really like you!

Thank you  :-)

Friday, 10 August 2012

Be YOURSELF, everyone else is already TAKEN !!!

Be YOURSELF, everyone else is already TAKEN !!!

Sound familiar? I suppose every one of us has heard that before at one point or another – be yourself, do not pretend to be someone else. There is no point in being otherwise but yourself!

But hey, are we listening here??

  • Are we still being jealous, envy, and wishing to be, do and have that what we do not have, what we are not and what we knew we were supposed to be doing??

  • Do you care and worry about what others think of you? Do you do things just to paint a picture in someone else's eyes??

  • Are you wearing a mask?

  • Are you behaving the same when alone AND when with someone?

  • Are you walking (literally and in life, too!) and enjoying, savouring every step OR are you watchful of how others might perceive you and concentrating on others looking at you?? OK, I get it!

Now, you get this – no one cares as much as you do about your walking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fact!!

And watch out for that big rock in front of you, so you won’t fall over!! J

Now, I am not saying that carelessness is the winner. You should care about how the things you say and do affect the people around you..

BE AUTHENTIC! => That is the WINNER !! That is the name of the game. You do that, and your life will never be the same again!

Now, here comes the kicker: What are you thinking of yourself ?!?

Why are we not just happy with and grateful for who we are, what we own/have and with what we are doing on a day to day basis. 

Oh no, that would be way too easy! (...)

Thank you for reading!! And please, please give a big smile at YOURSELF in the mirror today! Do it for YOURSELF, of course!

Any feedback & comment much appreciated :-) Thank you!

Tuesday, 7 August 2012



It is those little, simple things in a life that REALLY matter; it is little things that count and give pleasure, such as:  
  • -     Stopping to smell the flowers
  • -          Expressing your feelings to someone who you deeply care about and telling them how you feel 
  • -          Give a smile to a stranger
  • -          Hearing a laugh of a child
  • -          Sending and Receiving a card from someone you like/love
  • -          Listening to the birds
  • -          Watching a sunset/sunrise
  • -          Playing with a sand, making sand castles
  • -          Opening a door for someone
  • -          Ignoring someone’s being late
  • -          Being in a nature
  • -          Helping out someone without expecting anything in return
  • -          Getting a morning text message
  • -          Receiving an email from a long lost friend
  • -          Having a clean water to drink
  • -          Looking at the waterfall
  • -          Enjoying a healthy snack, drink
  • -          Asking for/Receiving a hug/a kiss
  • -          Being with your family
  • -          Watching children playing
  • -       Receiving a hand written letter, card
  • -          Wishing someone Good Luck
  • -          Enjoying a company of like-minded friends
  • -          Reading a nice book
  • -          Saying ‘I LOVE YOU’ (well, THAT is a HUGE thing!!!)
  • -          The feeling you feel after you have vigorously exercised
  • -          Having your dog welcoming you home
  • -          Listening to an amazing piece of music
  • -          Seeing and incredible performance
  • -          Laughing with a child
  • -          Giving/Receiving a ‘Thank You’ from someone
  • -          Finishing a task/Reaching a goal
  • -          Holding a baby
  • -          Learning a lesson no matter how big or small! It makes life more fun!
  • -          Being grateful for what we have
  • -          Leaving a cup out for someone after work
  • -          Making a cuppa in the morning for someone
  • -          Dance in front of the mirror as if no one is watching
  • -          Sing anytime you feel like it
  • -          Being happy inside for no apparent reason!
  • -          Kiss a baby; hug a child
  • -          And more and more and more …..
  • -     .... 

Have you noticed that these things tend not to be tangible? Interesting, is it not?!?


That is what I am made of. That is what you are made of, too!


Thank you!

Friday, 3 August 2012



I myself am hooked for life! J In re: to books, that is! The books are part of me now; they are what I am made of while drinking an organic carrot juice !!

Read Every Day.

Choose carefully what you are going to read. Pick subject that makes you feel better, provides you with information and insights. Select wisely. Books that give you knowledge, help you dig deep down inside yourself and make you think!! Personal development books. Books that challenge you on many levels and stimulate your brain.


WHAT     ARE     YOU     GOING     TO     DO    ABOUT     IT     ?     ?     ?

Miss a meal but never miss a book! Never miss a day without reading!

Books are your Free Resources!

2 books a week = 1.000 in 10 years!!

So..  I would suggest that you read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read and read………………..

What are your favourites books, titles, topics?

Please, let me know! Tons appreciated!!

Much love to you all and many thanks J And enjoy your reading!