Friday, 10 August 2012

Be YOURSELF, everyone else is already TAKEN !!!

Be YOURSELF, everyone else is already TAKEN !!!

Sound familiar? I suppose every one of us has heard that before at one point or another – be yourself, do not pretend to be someone else. There is no point in being otherwise but yourself!

But hey, are we listening here??

  • Are we still being jealous, envy, and wishing to be, do and have that what we do not have, what we are not and what we knew we were supposed to be doing??

  • Do you care and worry about what others think of you? Do you do things just to paint a picture in someone else's eyes??

  • Are you wearing a mask?

  • Are you behaving the same when alone AND when with someone?

  • Are you walking (literally and in life, too!) and enjoying, savouring every step OR are you watchful of how others might perceive you and concentrating on others looking at you?? OK, I get it!

Now, you get this – no one cares as much as you do about your walking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fact!!

And watch out for that big rock in front of you, so you won’t fall over!! J

Now, I am not saying that carelessness is the winner. You should care about how the things you say and do affect the people around you..

BE AUTHENTIC! => That is the WINNER !! That is the name of the game. You do that, and your life will never be the same again!

Now, here comes the kicker: What are you thinking of yourself ?!?

Why are we not just happy with and grateful for who we are, what we own/have and with what we are doing on a day to day basis. 

Oh no, that would be way too easy! (...)

Thank you for reading!! And please, please give a big smile at YOURSELF in the mirror today! Do it for YOURSELF, of course!

Any feedback & comment much appreciated :-) Thank you!

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