Friday, 31 August 2012



This is a BIG Topic.

Forgiveness is the gift you give yourself! If you are holding onto your resentment for someone, that someone has still power over your life!

It takes a special and mature person and courage to be forgiving.

No one can make you inferior, unless you give them the permission to do so!

Forgive everyone AND yourself!

There is nothing good in being unforgiving. Just the feeling after you have just forgiven someone, just the moment after you have done this, it is worth everything you’ve got! When you release it, more options begin to open up right after that for you! There have been written many, many, numerous and countless books, articles, etc. on this subject. And rightly so! Seminars are being held that help people and give them enough strength and courage to go and forgive others. I believe the majority of illnesses are based on and have roots in holding resentment and grudges and in non-ability to forgive! Do yourself a favour and ‘get rid of’ that what you do not need! Your life will become ‘lighter’! Do not carry all that unnecessary ‘junk’ that all it does is slow you down!

If you think of it, what else the unforgiving attitude is going to bring you but stress?? I assume THIS IS the last thing on your mind and a to-do list for you to aim for! I realize I may be speaking very ‘general’ here.. But YES! It actually applies to anything! Do not make a big deal out of nothing! Do not be tempted to make a mountain out of a mole hill! J It is just simply not worth your time, effort, energy. If you put garbage in, you will eventually get garbage out! Resist being the one who has the last world! Not a very good trait and attitude to possess! Most of the time the person you are not willing to forgive for whatever reason has not clue whatsoever that you have been hurting since the ‘accident’! Have you ever thought of that?? There are, also, many ways how to approach it and deal with it to bring you on the path of forgiveness. Choose the one that works best for you! I encourage you to overcome the BIG EGO OF YOURS and forgive someone who you should have forgiven ages ago OR the first person who has wronged you today!

o   Have you forgiven someone today??
o   Are you being forgiving??

Just do it!! J

Thank you for your time and attention! Much, much appreciated!

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