Saturday, 23 March 2019

Becoming & being unstoppable.

Becoming & being unstoppable.

You can become unstoppable if you will just consider the possibility of this happening and being the case.
You can become unstoppable if you trust yourself enough.
You can become unstoppable if there is one person who is proud of you.
You can become unstoppable if there is one person who believes in you.
You can become unstoppable if there is one person who trusts you enough.
You can become unstoppable if there is one person who loves you, dearly, whole, completely, unconditionally, for ever.
You can become unstoppable at almost anything.
You can become unstoppable at doing anything.
You can become unstoppable at anything that you put your mind and heart into.
You can become unstoppable now.
You can become unstoppable today.
You can become unstoppable tomorrow.
You can become unstoppable the day after tomorrow.
You can love unstoppably.
You can give unstoppably.
You can learn unstoppably.
You can contribute unstoppably.
You can create unstoppably.
You can travel unstoppably.
You can search unstoppably... until you find it!

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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