Friday, 8 February 2019

reaching for the stars.

reaching for the stars.

Reaching for the stars meaning never giving up even though the odds are all against you.
Because if nobody believes in you, who else is there to believe but you?!
Having high standards and going after them.
Overcoming obstacles.
Setting your goals and seeing yourself reaching them, each by each, one by one.
Taking time just for yourself to give yourself more time and get to know yourself even more and better!
So, what would be your next star?
Your next goal to reach?
Your next dream and see it coming true?
What can be your next challenge that can take you even more higher, and make you even more stronger and a better version of yourself?
What can make you a better person?
How can we learn from our mistakes?
How can one step, one say, one movement done right now improve our life significantly?
Can you make someone happy right now? Today?
Can we just simply forget and forgive?
Can we still be themselves along the way?
Can we become better by every experience?
Can we?

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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